18/Masquerade Ball

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The days leading up to the ball were chaotic and busy, providing George with more than enough tasks to distract himself from his real life problems. From arranging for decorations to be delivered, to making sure there would be enough food and drinks for the guests; Lilyana had him running around like a madman, while she orchestrated everything singlehandedly.

During the rare moments of peace and quiet, George found himself drawn towards his sister, trying to start up conversations about whatever he could think up. But she would only ever let him get a few words in before sending him off to complete some new task.

Ever since their conversation in the gardens, she had been distant, but George kept telling himself that she was just stressed with taking on all of the planning. Deep down, though, he knew there was more to it than that.

On the day before the ball, Rue and her family arrived at the castle. George's father thought it was the perfect opportunity to discuss the impending marriage, and for the two families to get to know each other better.

George was dreading it, but managed to keep his demeanor upbeat and cheerful while anywhere near his father. The bruising on his face had only just begun to disappear, fading into light blues and pale yellows, and he certainly wasn't eager for any new injuries to appear.

On the night of the dinner with Rue and her family, George dressed in a neater outfit, making sure he looked more presentable than usual as he paced nervously around his room. Although he wasn't exactly excited about marrying Rue, he knew it was important that he make a good impression, especially if his father was to be in the room with them.

He continued pacing, smoothing his hands over his outfit to rid it of any wrinkles, when a loud knock on the door startled him out of his trance.

"Come in," he called out, turning towards the direction of the noise.

The door creaked open, and Holden smiled at him from the other side, his blue eyes resting on George as he said, "are you ready, Prince George? Dinner will be served just momentarily."

George inhaled sharply, still not used to Holden knocking on his door again. He had gotten so used to Clay simply barging in and making himself comfortable where he pleased.

"Yes, I'm ready," George answered with a forced smile, making his way out of the room.

He made his way towards the dining hall, Holden following behind him at a distance; just another thing he was no longer used to. He missed the way Clay would fall into step beside him, their arms touching as they walked down the long hallways of the castle side by side.

If he really tried, he could almost feel Clay's fingers lacing with his as they walked, only to squeeze his hand gently before letting them fall away.

He sighed, forcing the thoughts from his mind as he approached the dining hall. Through the large arched entryway, he could already see his family and Rue's family milling about, voices drifting out and mingling together.

He paused, inhaling slowly and shaking the nerves from his hands, Holden finally catching up with him and pausing beside him.

"You're going to be fine, Prince George. I'm sure they'll love you," Holden said reassuringly, his voice soft and kind.

George smiled up at him, appreciative for the show of support as he responded, "thank you, Holden."

Holden only nodded, stepping aside as George forced his feet to move, his footsteps echoing off the stone walls as he entered into the dining hall. The minute he was in the room, his father's gaze was on him, a look of disappointment behind eyes that were already hazy from drinking.

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