𝒗. 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒇𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏

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JENNIE watched her aunt, In-na pouring the freshly prepared wine into a bottle. She couldn't wait to finally have a taste of that!
But as someone rang the doorbell, she sprinted to get the door even before In-na said a word.

In-na giggled seeing an excited Jennie and followed behind her. But what greeted her was a little surprising! In-na watched Jennie smiling widely at Taehyung, who passed her a small package that In-na had ordered. Not only that, Jennie even blew a kiss at the retreating figure of Taehyung.

Realizing the whole scenario, In-na walked back to the winery before Jennie could spot her. Jennie came back with the package, leaving it on the counter, before taking her seat. She gulped down the glass of wine, savouring it's sweet taste. "It's very intoxicating!"

"Any other things gives such a kick?" In-na hinted, her teasing gaze searching Jennie's confused one. "Love is intoxicating too, right?"

"I don't know" Jennie shrugged, her head falling. Taking a deep breath, In-na placed her hand on Jennie's shoulder. "Jennie, don't think I'm advising" She started. "Taehyung is a great guy. But..."

Jennie moved her eyes to her aunt's, intently listening to her. "At this age, it's natural to feel attraction. It may not be the feelings that last long, an immature feeling, infatuation"

"Forgetting the man she loved for years and marrying a strange bald guy whom she shared a tea for 2 minutes, Joohyun unnie is elder than me. Is that what you call maturity?" Jennie hissed, her eyebrows raised in a frown. "Jen-"

Jennie spoke, before her aunt could speak again. "I don't know, but my parents like Taehyung a lot. You also like him, don't you?" Before In-na could say something, Jennie continued. "You are the one who told me once to find the person that I love. And now?"

A small smile spread across In-na's face as she listened to Jennie's rambling. She didn't know her niece was so in love with someone, that too, Kim Taehyung!

"Does Taehyung know this?" In-na asked. "Have you told him?"

"No" Jennie sighed. "But I'll, when I get a chance"

"Do you know what is special this Sunday?" In-na asked with a sweet smile, to which Jennie shaked her head no. "It's his birthday"

Jennie cursed herself for not knowing his birthday. But how was she supposed to tell him? Her aunt tapped her shoulder, making her turn to the latter.

"And he'll go to a special place that day..." Her aunt trailed off. "...alone"



Jennie couldn't wipe off the stupid grin from her lips, that was plastered there since her aunt had told her the little secret. She was currently on a secret mission, stealthy following behind Kim Taehyung, to his secret spot.

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