Prologue: Hope and Survival.

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Kevin's POV.

*Sighs* Hello again... As you can see, the Operation was a failure... If it wasn't for both Enterprise and Arizona stabbing my back, Me and Jintsuu would've escaped. Now, I have to improve my new relationships I have with these shipgirls. I wonder if these new relations will affect my sanity or my skills set...

I opened my eyes with a staggering headache... I realized that I was in someone's bedroom. My bed was barely comfortable, as it's a mattress on a floor. I can't risk getting scammed by Akashi, so I kept it like that.

Kevin: Ugh... What in the world...? Am I...?

Atago: Ara ara.~ This is my place.~

Arizona: And you're not alone...

Atago's Dorm with Arizona and Atago... Why am I not surprised...

Kevin: Let me guess, I got married?

Atago: Yep. You did.

I looked at my right hand, and of course, that fucking ring on my ring finger. I could've married to Asra, but... I guess Belfast just took the shot.

Kevin: Huh. That was expected.

Atago: Oh Commander... Come here, darling.~ I just want to eat you up.~

Arizona: Maybe a kiss?~

Kevin: Ugh... Fine...

I barely have a chance to fight back, so, I just let it happen, first Atago, then Arizona.

Atago and Arizona: We love you, Commander.~

Kevin: Yeah, yeah... you too.

They both seems happy about my response.

Atago: Ara~ Let's go downstairs.

Kevin: Wait... What happened to my equipment?

Arizona: Oh. Your High Tech Pistol, your saber and your EXO-Suit?

Kevin: Yes. Those.

Atago: Oh, I cleaned them but, I won't give them back yet.~

Kevin: You son of a-

Arizona: Don't say it.

Kevin: Grr...

Atago, Arizona and I got off the bed and headed downstairs.

Shipgirls: Commander!

I didn't realize all the girls I met were here, besides the ones I killed of course. Now, I'm unarmed, my chance of survival is from 20% to 'You're fucking dead, kiddo'.

Kevin: *low groan* Hello.

Kaga: I hope you're feeling great.

Kevin: Just a headache...

Rodney, Shoukaku, and Akagi are just staring at me. I was getting more annoyed.

Kevin: So... what happened again?

Prince of Wales: You got married to all of us.

Kevin: ...

Well, What the fuck, just one wedding ring and I somehow oathed these shipgirls... I wished the Operatives could make it in time. I think I've lost connection to the HQ... I hope Jintsuu is safe at my Safehouse.

Kevin: I hope Jintsuu is fine...

Akagi: Jintsuu? Commander, you're been worried about her lately.

Kevin: I just hope that she's safe and sound.

Warspite: Hehehe... Not anymore.

I saw Jintsuu ties up once again, this time I don't have my hidden blade to free her... I guess she was found...

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