Helena: That One Stalker...

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I remember that I met Helena before, but due to the events from before, that makes me forget about her. I only talked to her for a few times, but then... I remembered the I equipped her with some good gears, since then, it's barely been used. I bet she feels like I'm giving up on her, since I'm now oathed to those lunatics and Jintsuu and Pennsylvania as my secretaries. She seems jealous when I hangout with any shipgirls, like Jintsuu or Penn, or even Laffey, Javelin, Nimi and Ayanami... God, Imagine those four gone Yandere... Ahem. Apperantly, She now knows everything about me, which means, she could blackmail me and leave me in a tough position. Currently, Enterprise is my main target, but if, Helena becomes a threat to me, I won't hesitate to execute her on sight.

After taking Washington and South Dakota back to their dorms, Jintsuu and Phoenix stopped for a moment.

Kevin: It's everyone good?

Michael: Ja. Anyone sonst?

Jintsuu: I'm fine guys...

Pennsylvania: I'm fine, don't worry.

Phoenix: I'm still here...

Michael: Okay zhen.

Phoenix: Are you sure?

Jintsuu: It's like... if someone is watching us...

Kevin: I bet it's Helena.

Jintsuu, Penn, Phoenix, Michael: Helena?

Kevin: Just some Eagle shipgirl, nothing to be afraid of...

Jintsuu: Come on, I have to know. She probably knows about our relation.

Michael: Vhat? You guyz sind dating?

Jintsuu: Wha!? N-No! I'm just Kevin's secretary, including Pennsylvania.

Kevin: Michael... I don't think she's into marriage, but, look at this. *raise his right hand* One ring and I got married with 15 lunatics, aka. Shipgirls.

Michael: Mien gott... zat's too much.

Phoenix: You could say that...

Kevin: Ahem. Should we keep going?

Jintsuu: Well then, I'll see you guys later.

The three left to do their things. Penn and Jintsuu might be busy with the paperwork, while Phoenix, she's overseeing the repair of the Portal.

Michael: Zo... Vhat now?

Kevin: Come to my office, I'll explain everything.

Moments Later in the Office...

After explaining my situation to Michael, he finally understand. He's seems to be concerned about my condition.

Kevin: And... that's the gist of it...

Michael: Gott rettet ihn... "God save him..." I just happy zhat you're ztill alive...

Kevin: Yeah... I'm impressed that the Royal Navy didn't attack you...

Michael: Vell, zhey vere ztaring daggers bei mir...

Kevin: Hmm... If you could prove yourself that you're not loyal to the Ironblood, they might calm down.

Michael: Naturlich. "Of course."

Kevin: So, about Helena...

Michael: Ich bin nicht sicher... "I'm not sure..." But, she might haven't forget about you and ist pissed at you forgetting Fraulien Helena. Frau Helena know vhere you live, but ze portal ist under repairs... Zo, ve can't...

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