North Carolina and Arizona: Two Ships, Two Operatives, One Victory.

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I've come across too many girls from the Eagle Union, the main goal, which is getting to Enterprise, is far away. Today was the day I recovered from the wounds. However, Michael and Penn have to also recover after their fight with Georgia. Michael might need some new clothes since his clothes got torn out from the aftermath. I left my room and was accompanied by Jintsuu and Akagi. We're heading to the port.

Akagi: Hey, Commander!

Kevin: Yes?

Akagi: I know you don't have a uniform or anything else... so I have this for you!

She brought her arms from her back and revealed clothing that looked like... the clothing from... wait a minute... That's my Banshee Uniform! Not only that but... It's that Deimos AR-L and Pythagoras VII from the Synedrion!?

Kevin: How the hell... did you get that!? Those are from the Synedrion!

Akagi: Fufufu~ That's a secret.

Kevin: Ugh... Thanks though...

I put on my new Uniform and tested my googles, and then while aiming Pythagoras VII at the scope, with and then without googles. All system is good. The long sleeve combat trench coat is hot inside, but quite comfortable. The Jeans were the hardest part, but, I was able to stuff it inside my boot. I don't know what happened to my old uniform, but I bet she kept it or destroyed it. Ether way, It's now showtime. I put the hood away, put the googles in my pockets and the breathing mask away.

 I put the hood away, put the googles in my pockets and the breathing mask away

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A/N: Sorry. It came from my phone.

Jintsuu was holding bandages and medicine, meanwhile Akagi was looking around as if I was going to be attacked.

Jintsuu: I finished your papers while you were gone.

Kevin: Appreciated.

Akagi: Fufufu~ I smell someone naughty.~

Her fox ears perked. I was confused as why is she sniffing the air.

Akagi: Helena...

Kevin: The fuck...? Her again?

Akagi: She's behind that bush!

Akagi pointed at the bush, I approached the bush and I saw Helena's blue hair or ahoge peaking out.

Helena: Darn, it seems you've found me.

She appeared from the bushes and looked at me.

Kevin: Why the hell are you here?

Helena: Hey, my question first.

Kevin: Ugh... Go fish.

Helena: Where have you been for the last four days!?

Kevin: What the fuck? I thought you have a top notch radar... Shouldn't you know where I am?

Helena: No... It's was broken...

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