Part 22

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Hermione's p.o.v.

Hermione found herself back in the head dorms and sitting in the common room, having unpacked, reading Sense and Sensibility. She wondered to herself about the blood status of Jane Austen since Draco had told her about Shakespeare.

'She'd have to read up on Wizarding authors at some point.' She thought to herself.

Her concentration was disrupted a while later when Draco came down from his room, surprising her greatly.

"I didn't know you were up there, how long have you been here for?" She questioned having been very startled by his presence.

He laughed, surprising Hermione even more, that wasn't something he did often, maybe a small smile here or there, the occasional chuckle and a lot of smirking but never laughing.

"I got here before you did and fell asleep whilst trying to unpack." He informed her, still amused by how much he had frightened her.

She shook it off.

"I was thinking," Hermione started.

"When are you not?" Draco teased.

She playfully glared at him and continued.

"Why don't we have our friends over, you know, collectively. So we can properly get to know each other. I mean obviously I already know Theo and you clearly know Harry."

He raised his eyebrows at her.

"Oh yes, don't think I haven't forgotten about what I saw that morning before my nightmare." She said mischievously. "But I still think it would be nice. I'd like to get to know Blaise and Pansy better and I think you should at least be civil with Ron and Ginny." She smiled and then added, "Please?"

"Oh alright fine."

.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.

Having received her patronus the procession of friends streamed into the head common room. Harry, Ron and Ginny first.

"Are you sure this is a good idea Mione?" Ginny asked, she was skeptical that the relatively new truce between the Slytherins and the Gryffindors would be able to withstand a whole evening of civility.

"Yes Gin, everything will be fine and even if something does go wrong I know that I have you to help me teach them a lesson." Hermione quirked an eyebrow and gave Ginny a sly smile.

"Hermione Jean Granger, you have been spending too much time with Malfoy, he's rubbing off on you." Ginny said with a laugh.

Before she could say anything else on the matter, in walked Theo with Blaise and Pansy in tow.

"What's this all about Granger?" Pansy asked with curiosity.

"I thought, since Theo and I have been friends for ages and I'm now getting to know Draco, that maybe we could make a truce between all of us and be friends, of sorts." Hermione responded.

Everyone stood looking at her, some like she'd grown a second head, others seemed to be carefully considering what she'd just said.

Harry stood up, glanced at Ron and Ginny who both subtly gave a nod of approval, and stuck his hand in the general direction of the Slytherins and said,

"We're game if you are."

Theo immediately grinned and a small smile graced Draco's face. Blaise and Pansy exchanged looks before nodding hesitantly. Blaise shook Harry's hand and the group sat down in the head dorm common room.

.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.

A few hours later Hermione found herself laughing along with the most unexpected group of people ever. 'If you had told 12 year old Hermione that she'd be enjoying an evening chatting with 4 Slytherins she would have looked at me like I was crazy' She thought to herself.

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