12. Kidnapped(Dark)

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Author's POV

Y/n was getting ready to go to office. Jimin was already left cause bang pd-nim called him. So you were going alone today.

As you got out and sat in the car and started to drive. You saw a black car behind you.. But you didn't care you thought the car will go somewhere else. So you ignored it.

But as you were going and going the car was following you from 15 minutes.. You thought the car is also going to big hit..

But you wanted to go to caffé to have your breakfast first so you took right turn and the car also took the right turn.

Now you were confirmed that the car was following you. So you speeded up your car but the black car speed up more..

And the car came in front of your car and stopped. As you pressed the break with your leg. Then two men came out and forced you to get out of the car..

"Yahh leave me!!" You shouted St them but no use.. They put something on your nose.. It made you unconscious.

Time skip

Jimin was practising for at least 6 hours.. But you didn't came to company today. So he got worried about you.

He decided to call you but your phone was switch off. Soon ha-yoon, jihyun, sanghwa and and Hyo-byung came to jimin.

"Jimin where is y/n she didn't came to practise today is she well?" Hyo-byung asked jimin as he replied "I don't know maybe she don't want to come." Jimin said not caring.

"But at least she would have called us. And her phone is also switch off." As sanghwa said jimin's eyes widened.

"What! She is not picking up your call too?" Jimin said as they nodded jimin took his phone and his things and head out of the office.

He checked home but you were also not there... So he sighed and looked at time... "Its time for me to go..." He said under his breath...

Time skip
Y/n's POV

I woke up at very unfamiliar place with quit headache. I was about to shout but a man walked in.

"So you awake my queen?" I looked at the man's face as it was so familiar to me. But I couldn't remember where did I saw it.

"W-who are you? Why did you take me here??" I said as the man chuckled.. "You don't know me??" I nodded "well here see my face but don't take my name.. Or you will be killed.."

He said as I got goosebumps.. Then he removed his mask... It was a boy But I couldn't see his face properly "what are you doing here and why did you do this!"

I shouted at him ad he grabbed my chin harshly.. "Shhhh I'm not your jimin.. So don't dare to shout at me.. Get ready we have event to attend.."

He said as I nodded as no.. "Look don't make me force you or I won't hesitate to kill your parents" he said showing his gun..

Goshh he have gun what if he do something to my eomma appa... I nodded as yes... He untied me and whisper in my ear.

"Don't try to run away here see this.." He showed me video off my house where there were some mans with gun.. And knifes.. Then he seared his mask..

I got teary why is he doing this... He took me somewhere "where is this?" "My house!" He said coldly..

He pushed me in room and said "take a bath the make up artist will be here soon.." He said as I got in and took a bath...

"I hate Love..." Jimin Fanfiction (DarkXSoft) {Jimin X Reader's}Where stories live. Discover now