04: Evil Enters.

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After a little while of driving, Hollie, Charley and myself pulled into Adam's driveway.
I cut the engine and we all got out of the car & walked up to the front porch.

Ed was waiting for us.

"Where the hell have you three been?" He asked, annoyed.

"You said after school." I said.
" Yeah, I ment right after. This is dusk. Do you guys know what that means?" Ed said.

"No. None of us have the slightest idea. Let us consult my pocket dictionary" Hollie said.

"Ha ha. Nice." Ed replied in a frustrated tone.

We all walked up to the front door.
Ed knocked.
After a few seconds; no answer.
Ed knocked again. "Hello? Anybody home?" He asked.

"Nope." Charley mumbled.

Ed tried the door bell.
Still no answer.

"Come on." He said to us all as he jumped off of the front porch and began to head around back.

We followed him to Adam's back yard.

We climbed the back porch steps to the back door.
Ed tried to open it but it was locked.

He then got down on his hands and knees and found that the doggie door was still unlocked.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Charley asked.
"Trust me." Ed said.

He slid in after a bit of a struggle.
Then the door unlatched and swung open with Ed on the other side.

"Won't you come in?" Ed asked as he held the door open.

"This is nuts." Charley said as we went inside.

Then for the first time, I noticed that Ed had been carrying a black backpack. He flung it off of his shoulders and onto Adam's floor.
He unzipped it to Revil all kinds of religious items inside.

As he felt around in the bag he said:
"I really hate to be the one to tell you all this, but that guy, your all's neighbor, he's a vampire man."

"Our neighbor?" Hollie said.

"Next door?" Charley followed.

"Jerry? We just met him Ed." I said.

"Yeah. And ok then, Jerry." Ed said.

"Ok first and foremost, that is a terrible vampire name. Jerry?" Charley said.

"Look dude, I didn't name him. I'm just reporting the facts." Ed said.

Ed finally picked out a wooden cross and began to walk down the hallway.
"Dude." Charley whined as he followed Ed down the hall.
Hollie and I slowly following, trailed behind them.

When we got to the end of the hall, Ed then back tracked and headed up the front stairs.

Charley, Hollie and I slowly followed.

"Hello?" Ed whispered.
"Adam?" He whispered again.
Charley then jumped up and his feet made a loud thud when they hit the floor.

"Shhhh." Ed whispered.

"Yo it's Ed." He whispered as he rounded the door to Adam's room.
Then he yelled out as he began stabbing at something.

Hollie and I jumped back as Charley looked at whatever it was Ed was murdering.

"Jesus." Charley mumbled.
"Ok, now I feel stupid. It's just a cardboard cutout." Ed said.

"Oh, Nice." Hollie said to me.

"Ok dude, there not here." Charley said.
"It's not just them, okay? Listen to me. I saw this thing on channel 13 where there was this lady, who escaped an attacker that tried to bite her." Ed said.

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