08: Peter's Place.

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"Wow. This is all his stuff?" Charley asked Ginger as we got off the Elevator that lead straight into his pent house.

"Yes, he started out collecting tarots and Ouijas, you know, gateway stuff. Now scholars, they call him for answers. Those books, the forgotten texts, the Agrippa. He's read them all." Ginger said as she lead us through the maze of glass cases and ancient artifacts.

Charley put a hand to one of the glass cases.

"No, don't touch anything. He's PMS-y today. A sensitive little girl." Ginger said.

She lead us further down, when she pointed to a section of glass cases.

"Over there, That's haunted antiques. cursed stuff. And over there, that's Pete's honorary degree from LVSU." Ginger said.

"But..." She added, ''He got it off of the internet." Then she winked at us and kept walking. She then turned down a hallway and at the end of it she lead us through into Peter's main living quarters.

He was there starting a fire in the fireplace.
"The one & only..." Ginger motioned for us to come in.

Peter looked at us, but then quickly looked over to Ginger.
"Midori me." He said.
"Midori yourself, douchebag." Ginger replied with attitude.

"Screw you!" He yelled at her as she walked away.
"Ass-wipe!" She smarted back as she left through the door. All the while giving him a double middle finger as she left.

"Come on in, Come on." Peter told us.
His home was beautiful. There were big black leather couches around the fireplace.
And big paintings that covered his walls.

Charley, Hollie and I took a seat on the biggest couch.
Peter was at the bar, fixing himself a drink.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked us as we sat down.

"No thank you." Charley said.
"No thanks." Hollie and I said.

"Suit yourselves." Peter said

Charley, Hollie and I made our way over to one of the leather couches and sat. Charley on one end, myself in the middle and Hollie on the opposite end.

"So," Peter said as he walked over to us and sat down in a big black leather over-stuffed chair.
"I'm the expert for your vampire thing?"
He slowly began to take his stage outfit off.
He pulled his long black wig off and tossed it onto the floor. He then pulled his fake facial hair off and stuck it on the coffee table.

"There all the rage you know." Peter said as he finished up with his costume.

"Shoot." He finally said.

"Right. Well... Look, I know your show... I know your show is an illusion...-" Charley started, but Peter cut him off.
"Meaning bullshit?" Peter looked at Charley, then Hollie and me.

"Yeah, fair enough." Peter said, answering his own question before Charley could.
"...But say I wanted to kill a vampire. How would I go about doing that?" Charley asked Peter, with all the seriousness he could push into his voice.

"Seriously?" Peter asked.
"Yes." Charley, Hollie and Me all answered together.

"Well... You've got fire. Um, beheading... You could... I don't know, make him a big garlicky omelet. Or you could go traditional with a stake through the heart. Bam!" He yelled the last part, making us jump.

"Cool, so that stuff really works?" I asked.
"Well, maybe not the omelet. How the hell should I know?" He asked.

Duh your Peter Vincent!
Your why we came here!

Ugh my thoughts were everywhere at once, as he said those words.

"We don't know. You're the one with all the stuff." Hollie said.
"So what? Now you three think that I hang out with Dracula... And the Easter Bunny? Buzz off." He said as he got up and headed for the bar.

Charley jumped up and followed Peter to the bar.
"Charley!" I whispered to him. But he ignored me.
"Look. We have a personal interest in this. We think one of them got our friends." Charley said.

"What? 'One of them' meaning a Vampire?"
"Yes. Jerry. He lives next door to all of us." I said.
Hollie and I were standing now and were just a few feet behind Charley.
"Jerry? Jerry the vampire?" Peter laughed.

"Do not think we know how this sounds?" Hollie said, smartly.

"Yeah, I mean a few days ago, I would have laughed in our faces. But it's real. This is really happening to us." I said.

"Ok. Just please. We are so far down this rabbit hole, we have no where else to go. If you'll just look at these pictures... You'll see." Charley said as he simply tossed the little paper picture folder on the bar.

"Yes. Just look." Hollie said.

"Ok that's it. Get out. Ginger!" he said.
"Look. We know what we saw." Charley said.

"No you don't, illusion, remember? People see what they want to see." Peter said.

"You don't collect all of this stuff for no reason." Charley pleaded.

"Ginger!" Peter shouted.

Ginger made her way into the room.
She looked at Peter like she wanted to kill him.

"You think we want to know this shit you dumb ass? What the hell is wrong with you?" Hollie raised her voice.

Hollie was mad.

So we're me and Charley. But Hollie had the temper.

"Get the hell out of my house!" Peter Yelled at her.
"Time to go doll." Ginger said in a sweet tone. She put her hand on Charley's shoulder.

She seemed nice. What was she doing with a jerk like this?

"Don't bother," I said to Ginger. "Come on Charley, let's blow this popsicle stand." I said.
"Yeah, come on, this ass hole wouldn't know a Vampire if it killed him." Hollie said as she and I grabbed Charley's hands and pulled him towards the door.


Charley, Hollie and I were on the elevator, going down. We watched as the sun set over a beautiful and busy Las Vegas.
If only people knew.

I wished, in that moment, that the three of us could have just pressed a pause button and frozen ourselves this way. Right here, above the city we called home.
We were like 30 stories up so the view was amazing.

But sadly, we all knew that we couldn't stay above the city forever. All to soon we would have to come down.

Down to the city below.

Down to the families that waited our return.

Down to the Vampire that wanted us all dead.


So sorry that I've updated so late!
Been busy with life 😎

Thanks to all the people who have read this and stuck with it.
Believe me, your reads and votes mean the world to me. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Love you all 🤗❤️


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