07: Peter Vincent.

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"Oh My God!" Hollie whispered.
Charley and I had just finished Telling my sister about Doris.

"I know. She was there and then she was just..." I let my self trail off. Hot tears made there way to the surface of my eyes.

"Ok we have to do something. We can't just set here and watch him eat the entire town. First Adam. Then Ed. And now Doris. It's only a matter of time before it's one of us or someone else we're close to." Charley said.

We were all in Charley's bedroom.
He was on the bed and Hollie and I were seated on the floor. Near the window that looked into Jerry's front porch.

"Yeah we do, but we can't tell our parents, unless we all want them to through us into a padded cell. And we can't tell the police, unless we want to end up in jail cell." Hollie said.

"Think people, think. Who could we go to for help? It has to be someone who can really help." Charley said.

Suddenly, I had an idea that was crazy enough to, maybe, just work.
"Wait you two, hold up a sec." I said as I went to get my bag I had setting in Charley's chair.

"What?" Hollie said.

"This." I said, as I reached into my bag and pulled out Ed's laptop.
Hollie and I decided to keep it safe, for evidence.

I went back and sat beside Hollie.
I opened the laptop and clicked on the website link for the Peter Vincent website that Ed had pulled up when we first found the laptop.

"Peter Vincent! Mollie your a genius!" Charley said.

"I do try." I said.

Just then the bedroom door opened and Aunt Jane walked in.
"Hello, Charley why is it so dark in here? Your living like a vampire." Jane said as she walked over to the other window in Charley's bedroom and opened the curtens.

"Mom..." Charley started.

"Uh hey Aunt Jane, you know that guy Jerry? Yeah, under no circumstances is he aloud to be invited in y'all's house or ours." I said as the three of us started to get up and put our coats on.

"Yeah mom, alright? He's dangerous.". Charley added.
"I think I can handle myself." Jane said.

"Mom. Please I'm serious." Charley said.
"Yeah Aunt Jane, we all are." Hollie said.

"Yes Mom, don't acknowledge him. don't talk to him, and at night, please stay inside." Charley said.

"Why because he's dangerous?" Jane said.

We grabbed our bags and stuff and headed out of the room.

"Look mom, I can't answer a million questions right now. will you just trust me?" Charley asked.

"Charley, and girls that's so sweet of you three to look after me, it really is, but I'm you mom. And your aunt. Not some ridiculous woman." Jane said.

" I'm sorry I can't do this right now. I can't answer a million things right now.". Charley said.

We all bolted through the door and down the stairs.

"I don't understand guys. Charley? Girl's? " Aunt Jane called as we left through the front door.

We all walked across the street to our red mustang. We got In and I pulled us out of the driveway.

"I know where we should go now." Charley said.


30 minutes later, the three of us were setting in the school library, each of us setting at a computer each with a note book and pen. Trying to uncover as much on vampires as possible.

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