District 3 reaping

68 3 2

Grey Mcgekles P.O.V

I can't handle another reaping, it's my last one and my name is in the bowl 58 times, there has been a lot of deaths around here so I have a pretty good chance of being chosen.
I sit in the blossom tree in my backyard, I had to drop out of school because my parents died in a peacekeeper riot, so now I care for my little brothers Tweek and Murphy and have 3 jobs so I can keep up.
I pull up my light pink hair into a pony tail, I love the colour of the blossoms in the tree I sit in every day so I coloured my hair like it. Im pretty much the only girl who doesn't wear coloured contacts that I know, I actually really like my grey eyes, it's how I got my name.
"Grey?" My aunt is really nervous for today, she is always looking out for me. I head inside and put on my pink baggy shirt that has diamonds scattered around my sleeves. And then my aunt hands me my black, perfectly ironed, sparkly leggins. I'm not into the whole fancy capital thing. I spend more time in my blossom tree than with my few friends. I don't have much time for friends because of my brothers.
I give my aunt a kiss on the cheek and we hug.
I reach the square and get my finger pricked for the last time.
"Hello district 3, I understand I am not your usual announcer. Trinket is sadly occupied today but my name is Trinky and I am just as exited for these fabulous games."
She didn't wait even a second after the video. "Lets start with the girlies."
It took her a second to get her balance, I think her heels are at least 11 inches.
"Lillith Green."
A large girl wearing a rainbow shirt and track pants, starts to walk up to the stage. Wow she really doesn't care. Thank god I wasn't chosen
Now time for the boys. Trinky slowly wobbles over to the boys bowl and pulls out a name.
"Zero MacMin."
An extremely buff man strutted up to the stage, he looked so confident. Im pretty sure he would have volunteered if he wasn't drawn out of the bowl.
Trinky stepped up to the microphone and sighed, tired from all the walking.
"My wonderful district 3 I have a surprise for you. In honour of this quarter quell each district will have an extra tribute to add in there special part in these games, in this district another lucky female will be chosen for the chance of a lifetime."
"Grey Mcgekles."

-Grey Mcgekles (18)
-Lillith Green (17)
-Zero Macmin (18)

A/N: Hey guys thanks so much for sticking with me I know the reaping are boring but It is going to be great.
Special thanks to Hannah and Anne, love you guys :)

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