Games - Day 3

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Dawn Bradley's P.O.V

We sit in the dim light around the trees, I wonder how long it will take for somebody to find us. In about 10 minuets Abby and I should go grab some berries, in the small pack I grabbed we found a little tin that we can put food/medicinal pills in and a few more things; blanket, gloves, rope and a plastic bag of 6 small carrots. I really hope we get some sponsors soon there is nothing edible around us and we already ate 2 of the 6 carrots. As long as my sister gets through this I will be happy, dead, but happy. The games are moving extremely slowly there are only 8 out of 33 dead, usually half are gone by now. The game makers will probably change that pretty quickly. Earlier I could hear some branches crunching, my sister and I almost went to go fight so we could collect there things but there was a small chance it could be one of the bigger alliances so we decided to climb up the tree we have been resting against, on our way down from the tree I got a cut every 20 minuets now my sister puts damp leaves on the cut so it doesn't get infected.
In the distance I hear the crackling of some leaves follower by laughter.
I drag my sister behind the tree, we can't run or they will hear us its better if we see who we are up against and make sure we can beat them.
The crunching leaves get louder and I can hear some girls talking loudly, how stupid are they.
I only notice one of the girls at first, name is Kiwi. I really don't want to kill her, I thought we had an alliance but then I lost track of her the second the blood bath started. The girl next to her has blossom pink hair, I think her name is Grey. My sister pokes me and points towards Kiwi and shakes her head, I can tell she doesn't want to kill her. Maybe this would be a good time for an alliance, time to do something stupid. "Hey, Kiwi!" Kiwi sharply turns her head towards my direction and steps back towards Grey. She then jogs towards me, she is probably running but she is so tiny I would consider it jogging. "Dawn! Abby!" She squeezes my sister for a few seconds and then looks at me, im glad she didn't hug me it makes me kinda uncomfortable, I smile back and nod. Grey stands silent, still clutching her knife. I smile awkwardly towards her and hold out my hand. She hesitates but returns the gesture. Thank god. Now we can go find somebody to kill.

Charles Muffin's P.O.V

My sister and I are probably the closest group to the careers, we are only a couple trees back from the opening. Katerina thought that maybe if we waited until night she could sneak up and steal a few weapons, I really wish she wasn't this confident. Just because she hit a few targets in the training she thinks she can beat 6 careers all by herself. We got nothing from the cornucopia, my sister had a small knife but if got lodged in a tree when we were looking to seen if there was water in them. She hit me because earlier I found some berries but she smacked them out of my hand, the second one of them split open the ground around it turned grey and started to shrivel. The night is finally here. Its time to begin.

Victoria Whitworths P.O.V

The night is here, i never like sleeping in the arena. I know i am the weak link in the careers, they could kill me anytime.

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