Games - Day 4

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Kiwi River's P.O.V
Its been 4 days, the games are still quiet. The capital will probably change that soon. My alliance is strong but I can tell that Grey and Dawn still don't completely trust each other, sometimes I scare myself and don't trust them either. I know I cant win the games, even Abby would kill me to save her sister, its ok though. I understand.
I looked around the arena, deeper into the darkness of the forrest. I wonder what is out there. "Dawn?" I shake her awake, I always try to lighten the mood in the morning as thats when people are most tense, "Dawn, wake up it's dawn." I know that the lighting doesn't change in the arena but when we wake I always say that to try and make her smile.

Boom dere wuz like a cannon and then the whole arena exploded and the only living things that survived was a 300 year old willow tree and a goose. The capitals world is crumbling and the rebellion has begun...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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