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Katèrina Muffin's P.O.V

I walk straight over to the axe section. Lots of people here aren't doing anything because they want to wait to show off their talents at the individual scoring. But I want them to know I am confident and they either need to back off or bring me into their alliance. I am already in a small alliance with my twin brother Charles. Because our lasts name is muffins they think we are weak bakers. I'll show them. I throw the axe at a target and hit it directly in the head. A few people look over and nod. I hope I did the right thing.

Oliver Woods P.O.V

I have no idea what to pick up, the only knife I have ever held are the ones in the kitchen. I pick up a crossbow, it's really heavy but worth a shot. 1.. 2.. 3. I completely miss the target. I see a couple of careers laughing and pointing at me. I shouldn't of done that. I head over to the fish hook section where I see a small girl trying to tie together two fish hooks. "Hello." I hold out my hand. She stares at me for a second and then smiles, "My name is Zara, Zara Mwen." I help her out with the fish hook. Hopefully I just formed an alliance, its not a good one. We are both small and from what I can see is neither of us are good with weapons. Hopefully she knows how to fight. Or at least how to hide.

Amethyst Helm's P.O.V

I stick in my own corner holding a knife. I still can't get over how my brother didn't volunteer with me, now I will never win. Every once in a while I see people looking at me, I always wave with the hand my knife is in. The only way I am staying in an alliance is if I can kill them all in their sleep. A small
girl starts to walk over to me, I tighten my grip on the knife and growl at her. She only stops for a second then keeps walking towards me.
"Hi, you looked kinda lonely so I was wondering if you want to come over with my friends and I." She points to the twin sisters who are near the trap station. I don't say anything, she seems sweet but she needs to back off. "Oh and my name is Kiwi." She holds out her hand to help me up. I stand up on my own and say "Im going to go get a bigger knife, back off." I walk over to the knife section, I see Kiwi walk over to her friends and they hug her, oh crap I made her cry. Ugh whatever, she is in the games now. She has to toughen up.

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