Games day 1 - continued

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Sherri Cola's P.O.V

What have I done. The cross bow wasn't suppose to be automatic. I stare at Cherry's limp body as tears drip onto her lifeless face. The arrow I shot pierces through her skull.
It shouldn't of been her. I don't deserve to win the games, the only person who does is Cherry. I shouldn't of eaten those mushrooms, it made us feel good. But it really wasn't worth it, I'm not worth it. I make my way out of the forrest and surround myself with the blue flowers my mentor told me to look out for. At first it was hard to breath but then everything just stopped hurting, I couldn't move. I just closed my eyes and waited for the poison to sink into my blood and kill me.

Arely Bright's P.O.V

Ugh these clothes are disgusting, I can't believe they didn't let me over see the design. When I first got a look at the arena I really didn't care it would be a super cute place for a photo-shoot and plus anybody here would die for me because Im so hot. So im safe. So far there have been 6 cannons, good less creeps to kill for us.
The other careers are gathered in a circle, the capital came along and collected all the ugly dead bodies so we are the only people here. One of the younger careers come over to me, "Hello." I looked at her disgusted, ugh she probably wants me to reply, "Hello there, creature." The little girl frowned, "I was just coming to ask if you wanted to join us, we are about to take a look at what is in the remaining packs." I waved her away. I wonder why she joined the careers, she seems too naive and idiotic to kill anybody. I wonder if the other careers would mind if I kill her in her sleep. Well I guess we will have to wait and see.
Before I drift off I check my pockets for my blades and keep my souvenir ring close to me. I hear the anthem begin and see all the dead people in the sky, in the middle of the anthem I hear two cannons one after another. Oh thank god, two more little rats dead.

A/N: Omgahhh sorry for the short chapter I just want to go to the next chapter. Also sorry for taking so long to write I really hope you guys will still read.

Dead tributes:
-Trent Danin (Careers)
-Nowen Velk (Maybelle)
-Fennik Brink (too early)
-Cherry Mint (Sherri Cola)
-Moose Linking (Flower Parkinson)
-Sherri Cola (killed herself)
-Zero Macmin (Suicide pact)
-Lillith Green (Suicide pact)

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