The train ride.

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Kiwi River's P.O.V

I sit conformably on the purple satin chairs next to a pair of twins that I think are in district 7. Maybe I could form an alliance, they seem sweet. I move a little closer but I keep my distance just in case.
"Hello?" They both turn towards me. The one with the leaf on her thumb looks me up and down annualizing me. The other is smiling and hold out her hand to shake mine.
"Hello, you must be Kiwi. My name is Abby and this is my sister Dawn." Dawn then holds out her hand and smiles, she stands up and nods to a tray of perfectly stacked chocolates. We sit together and enjoy them as we talk about our lives before the reaping. I think I have an alliance.

Grey Mcgekles P.O.V
I sit in a leather couch with a plate of grapes resting on my forehead, in the corner of my eye I can see one of the careers from district 2 looking at me. I think her name is Maybelle Woods, I can't tell if she is flirting with me or choosing me as a target.
She nods at me and smirks. She stands up and grabs a plate of chocolate. Maybelle sits down next to me and puts the chocolate in between us.
"Hey there." Maybelle pops a chocolate in her mouth and leans back into the couch. She is making me kinda uncomfortable but hopefully this means I have an alliance with a career.

Sphinx Mitchel's P.O.V

I cuddle up to Avalanche, she ate so much of the food she passed out. The bathrooms here are nicer than my house it's really weird. Every once in a while I see somebody names Flower glancing over at us, I hope she isn't targeting us because of how small Avalanche is.
I glance around the room and shut my eyes, once we reach the capital I probably won't be getting much sleep. I really hope the fashion over there isn't waxing your legs, or waxing anything really. Im just glad Avalanche calmed down, I don't think she fully understands what is happening, mom and dad won't let her watch the hunger games on t.v. She is so innocent, I don't think she has ever held a knife before, not even in the kitchen.

Cherry Mint's P.O.V
I cuddle with Sherri on a light blue satin couch, I really hate satin it makes me feel all sweaty but Sherri seams to like it so I will just ignore it.
The food in here is amazing, we probably haven't eaten this much in 2 years and I know none of the food we have eaten is as nice as this. I wonder if I would get to eat this every day if I won. Sherri starts to snore. Oh god not again. I slip away from the couch and grab a plate of fruit and peanut butter, Sherri is allergic to peanuts so I will have to stay away from her for a while. I hope nobody uses peanuts against her. I head over to a table with a couple tributes from district 1 who are whispering, hopefully they will think I am brave and form an alliance with us. If not I always have Sherri.

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