The tribute list

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District 1:
-Amethyst Helm
-Arely Bright
-Cnip Mitchell

District 2:
-Maybelle Woods (15)
-Victoria Whitworth (13)
- Oliver Holt (10)

District 3:
-Grey Mcgekles (18)
-Lillith Green (17)
-Zero Macmin (18)

District 4:
-Sphinx Michaels (17)
-Avalanche Michaels (10)
-Flower Parkinson (14)

District 5:
-Maya Renk (15)
-Trillian Bloom - Voulenteer - (16)
-Newt Marzin (11)

District 6:
-Katèrina Muffins (16) -Voulenteer-
-Charles Muffins (16)
-Nowen Velk (15) -Suicidal-

District 7:
- Dawn Bradley (14)
-Abby Bradley (14)
- Brayan Shine (17)

District 8:
-Slink Reman (18)
-Tink Reman (12)
-Fennink Brenk (17)

District 9:
-Riker Nixit (16)
-Kiwi Rivers (11)
-Grace McDenald (14) -Voulenteer-

District 10:
-Zlint Prake (12)
-Zara Mwen (13)
-Trent Danin (16)

District 11:
-Sherri Cola (15)...BFFs with Cherry
-Cherry Mint (15)...BFFs with Sherri
-Moose Linking (13)

District 12- Destroyed
District 13- Destroyed

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