
978 23 30

Hogwarts Castle is cursed. At least, that's what the ghosts and teachers say.

After the second Wizarding War, Hogwarts was destroyed and many lives were lost.

Hogwarts could be rebuilt, but one could not forget the many lives that were lost in Hogwarts' halls and were the reason why the atmosphere in the castle has never been the same as before the war.

There was laughter, especially from the younger students, but the older the students, the more they remembered the war; lost parents or siblings, and the more depressed they were.
Hogwarts wasn't the home it used to be to everyone.

The teachers noticed, but didn't know what to do about it.
Hogwarts' ghosts however, had an idea.

They needed something to cheer the students up, to make them remember the good things and to help them make new, cheerful memories within the castle.

So, looking back at the many years of Hogwarts' existence, the ghosts made a decision.

It was very hard, but they managed:

The ghosts of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry invocated the spirits of the marauders, to make them roam through the castle's halls again, for they had been a great part of Hogwarts' history, and deserved to be added to the castle's list of patron ghosts.

As the ghosts also were aware of Peter Pettigrew's deeds, they knew better than to invocate him alongside his old friends.
No, instead they revived another great prankster, to fill the empty spot Pettigrew had left.

The marauders now consisted of James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Fred Weasley.

The marauders were confused. And they weren't too happy with the other ghosts' decision.
They were supposed to bring back joy and laughter, which they didn't mind.
But they hadn't had a choice when the other ghosts revived them. They hadn't been asked about what they really wanted.

So they made a plan.
Their real mischief wasn't managed yet.


Credits to the amazing LucyKrake for drawing the painting for the cover! Thank you so much!

Please point out spelling or grammar mistakes!
Constructive Criticism is wanted!

I hope you like it :)

Thank you to the comment section of that one Sirius Black fanfiction, or else I would've never gotten an idea for a Harry Potter Fan Fiction xD

Won't be long until the first chapter!
(but I have to learn more, for my exams and a-levels.... Ugh)

Thank you for clicking on here!

See you then!

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