Chapter 7: Return To Hogwarts

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3rd January 1999

It was safe to say that the students liked the new ghosts very much.
They met, and after the excitement of meeting the Chosen One's father, Sirius Black and their former Professor Remus Lupin as teenagers had died down, they got to know everyone.

Luckily for the marauders, none of the nine students at the castle were named Peter.

The marauders found out that the nine students all stayed at Hogwarts because their parents weren't at home or because they simply didn't want to go. None of the present students was one of the traumatised ones that the marauders were going to have to befriend.

Still, it was time spent nicely. The whole one and a half weeks were.

The marauders explored the newer Hogwarts grounds and befriended all of the students- to Sirius' surprise "even the Slytherins", to which Remus just shook his head.

The students found out that the marauders basically just were a bunch of crackheads, always telling silly jokes that somehow still were funny.
The Ravenclaws were very happy to have Remus to talk to when they wanted to talk about books or topics that were soon going to be teached in class.

Fred Weasley still refused to tell the recipes of Weasley's puking pastrills and loved to show secret passages instead.

James Potter was very willing to give unhelpful advice at 'getting the significant other to date them'.
Well, he told everyone that his advice was helpful, but Sirius always stood behind his best friend and vigorously shook his head.

And Sirius Black loved to illegally accompany students (the Gryffindor siblings and three of the Slytherins, to be specific) through the forbidden forest and always stressed the importance of not having traitor friends. To that, James always sighed heavily, but did not contradict him.

Hagrid smiled and pretended he didn't know of the marauders' rule-breaking.

The marauders hadn't even been ghosts for two weeks but already had a bad influence on the students.

The new ghosts got along great- with everyone. The other ghosts, every student, the teachers, Peeves and even the paintings.
Despite the fact that the castle was very empty, it was almost as if the war had never happened.

The marauders got a hang of living again, exploring everything. They were quite busy and didn't really focus on their grudge against the other ghosts and life in general.

Especially now, with the students returning from their homes, they were nervous.
It was going to get serious.

And Fred and James were indescribably nervous. Fred would see Ginny and Ron again, and if James had done his maths correctly, he would meet his son.

Fred and James exchanged panicked looks, whereas Remus and Sirius just were exited and happy to finally see everyone again.

"What am I going to say to them?"
"What am I going to say to him?"

Fred and James almost pulled their hair out, waiting nervously in the Gryffindor Common room.
They paced back and forth, with Sirius and Remus playing wizard's chess on the floor in front of the fire place.
(That had been Sirius' idea. He'd just pulled out his transparent ghost-wand and conjured a ghostly chess game.)

It was Remus' turn, so Sirius glanced at the two panicking boys. "Relax, you two. Stressing won't help. Also, if you fail at talking, Remus and I'll have your backs. No worries."

"I wish it was that simple," Fred muttered, anxiously eying the portrait hole.

"Your turn," Remus spoke up as he moved his queen. "And to talk about something else- the full moon is coming up in a week. What do you think will happen?"

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