Chapter 9: The List

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"Well, that went better than expected."
The marauders had just returned from their introduction-tour through the common rooms, always with the respective house ghosts present, in case the students had to be calmed down.
But they didn't; they just kept staring, were very confused and didn't know how to react.
Except for one very excited and fascinated, yet dreamy Ravenclaw by the name of Luna Lovegood, who clapped her hands happily and smiled.

Now, the marauders were strolling through the hallways, trying to decide where to spend the rest of the day.
"But it really is creepy, isn't it?" James asked quietly. "I've never heard students so quiet."

Fred pointed finger guns at him. "Probably because they're quiet."

It was quiet when James raised an eyebrow and Remus facepalmed.
Fred laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. "Okay, yeah, not my best one."

Of all people, it was Sirius who brought them back to their original topic. "And we're supposed to cheer them up by pulling pranks? Did the ghosts really think that would work?!"

"It's worth a try," Remus replied, shrugging his shoulders. "It'll distract them at least, and that's already better than being depressed."

James felt as if a lightbulb had been turned on over his head. "Hey, since quite some time has passed since we've last pulled pranks, we don't even necessarily have to think of new ones! No one will remember our old pranks."

"No one except the teachers," deadpanned Remus with a raised eyebrow.

"Who cares!" Sirius backed up his best friend, putting an arm around his shoulders. "We're here for the students, not the teachers. Besides, I like the nostalgia."

"They've got a point, Remus," Fred agreed. "This saves us time as well, to think of new pranks. And I'd like to see your old pranks come to life again."

"Okay, you're right."
The others smiled when Remus agreed. But that smile disappeared directly after Remus' next sentence.

"There's still one massive problem, though: How are we supposed to prank the students when we can't touch them, or anything, for that matter?"

It was quiet for a few seconds.
Then, Sirius groaned. "These stupid ghosts really didn't think this through!"

"Or anything at all," James grumbled pessimisticly, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. "I'm frustrated. And hungry."

"You can't be hungry," Fred reminded carefully, but James still snapped.
"Of course I can be hungry; my brain is! I haven't eaten in more than a week!" He puffed out some air. "While I'm at it, I'd like to drink something, too."

Sirius sighed, dropping his arm from James shoulders, and looked at his companions. "That's true. It can't go on like this, James is right. And Hermione as well. We should really think of a way to... bend all of those stupid or unnecessary rules."

"But how?" Fred asked warily. "I've never heard of ghosts that had more abilities than others, so how can this be possible for us? And what, precisely, are we even trying to achieve?"

Remus shrugged his shoulders again. "I'd say we make a list. With all the things that make us sad, angry or frustrated, and that we want to change. And then we go to the library and do research. Lots of it."

Sirius and James exchanged a look. With small smiles on their lips, they nodded.
Fred groaned. "Even death can't save me from studying!"

Remus grinned. "We don't study, for school, we study for our lives."

"What life?"

Remus stopped moving. "Good point. The afterlife, then."

"Are you even listening to yourself?" James grinned at Remus, who shook his head defeatedly, smiling.
"Shut up, all of you."

"I think we should follow Remus' plan. It's definitely a start. And for that, and I can't believe I'm saying this, we have to do our research and study, very much."

James sighed. "I hate this."

"I second that."

"I third that."

"I don't really fourth that, but I'm still not thrilled either."

Silence engulfed them once again.
Then, James cleared his throat. "My idea for today: We stay in our Ravenclaw dormitory, just to feel smart. Then we write that list, and we could already try to think of some ways to achieve the things on the list. Maybe some of the little smartiepants might even be able to help us with smaller things or questions."

"It mixes up our stay, so I'm in," Fred answered, and Remus and Sirius just shrugged and nodded. Together, and ignoring the confused or captivated stares of the Ravenclaws when they crossed the common room, the marauders entered their dormitory.

James conjured a ghostly role of parchment, and a quill with ink. All huddling down on Remus' bed, the four ghosts came up with the following list.

Mischiefs Yet To Manage:

- Return to, or get to Lily and Tonks (-still looking for ideas to what exactly we want, then research)

- Eat food, drink (- requires more research)

- Manage to touch stuff that isn't ghostly (- requires more research)

- Stay in contact with alive family (- can they read ghostly letters or receive our patroni?)

- Make Filch regret throwing chalk through us (- think of prank, better be scary or smth)

- Use magic to affect actual things, not just ghost-stuff (- requires more research)

- Not being strictly bound to Hogwarts' grounds (- maybe bribe Ministry of Magic?)

- Somehow cheer up students? (-maybe prank Peeves and Professor Binns?)

(-finding cure to depression or getting out of this situation????)

Well, good luck with that.

Sorry that this chapter is so short, but I needed the filler for the next one

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