Chapter 8: Ginny And Hermione

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The students didn't move and just blinked at the strange sight.
Only Ginny and Hermione took a few steps forward, so that they were now standing directly in front of Fred.

Ginny held up her hand as if she wanted to stroke his cheek, but stopped inches away. Her hand hovered next to her brother, who looked at her with a sad expression. "I'm sorry Ginny. I really am."

Ginny bit her lip to keep herself from crying. Tears were brimming in her eyes. "It's not your fault."

Fred seemed to think something else and was about to reply, but Hermione's voice echoed through the room before he could speak up.
The girl had turned to her house mates and was now talking to them.
"You've heard everything you needed to hear, now give them some privacy."

The Gryffindors began to murmur and whisper, giving Hermione dark glares. She either didn't notice or care as she watched the other Gryffindors leave for their dormitories with her arms crossed in front of her chest, radiating authority.

"It's so good to see that you're okay," Fred said as he lightly traced his sister's cheek, careful to not glide through her. Goosebumps appeared under Fred's cold ghostly touch, so he yanked his hand away as if he'd burned himself.

Ginny swallowed and pretended that she hadn't wanted to shiver under Fred's fingers. "Well, as okay as one can be without you, Freddy. It's incredible to see you! We must tell mum and the others! And Percy-"
The enthusiastic smile on Ginny's face disappeared as soon as it had come.
"Oh Merlin, Percy. He's so besides himself and blames himself... And George!"

"Please," Fred whispered. If Ginny saw correctly, tears were brimming in his white and misty silvery eyes. The serious tone of his voice was enough to make Ginny shut her mouth. Fred swallowed and looked past Ginny's shoulder, avoiding eye contact. Even his whispered words were on the edge of cracking. "Don't remind me."

When none of the Weasleys continued their conversation, James - who'd finally managed to free his hair from Sirius- dared to speak up.
"Erm... What ab... Is... Eh, Harry not at Hogwarts?"

Fred's eyes snapped back to Ginny, who was now exchanging glances with Hermione. "And Ron, where's he?"

Hemione turned towards the other three marauders, who were still standing in front of the fire place. "Harry and Ron have decided not to return to Hogwarts for a redo of their seventh year. They have started their training to work in the department of magical law enforcement at the ministry."
Her eyes traveled to James, taking in his appearance. Although Hermione only saw the silvery ghost of a young man, one could easily tell that he and Harry were related. They looked like twins.

James swallowed, mixed feelings swirling up inside him.
On one side, he was relieved because he still had time to break the news to Harry in a slow and careful way.
On the other side, he was disappointed because he wouldn't meet Harry. After seventeen years, his body almost physically ached at the thought of his son, which was ironic, considering that James didn't even have a physical body. James wanted to see his son, talk to him, hug him and never let go.

James tried to ignore that he wouldn't be able to do all of the mentioned. Not now, when he only had the poor excuse of an actual life.
"Oh," he just said.

"But I'll owl him," Hermione hurried to say. "I can tell him that something happened here at school and that he should come as quickly as possible, if you like?"

James swallowed. He wanted to see his son, but Merlin, was he nervous.

"Yes, thank you." It wasn't James who spoke up, but Sirius. "Though I think that Ginny should send this letter, telling Harry and her whole family that they should come."

Remus nodded, his eyes misty. He seemed to be staring into a world only he could see. "As ghosts of this castle, we can't leave its grounds. So everyone we know should be invited here."
He blinked and focused on Ginny. "Would you mind sending an owl to Andromeda?"

Ginny shook her head. "No, of course not. I want you all to meet everyone again."

"Thank you." James smiled. "I know this situation is weird, but it really means a lot to us."

Remus scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "There has to be at least one advantage in returning as a ghost."

Hermione raised an eyebrow, her attentive eyes following Remus as he paced through the common room. Then she looked at the other ghosts. "'One advantage'?"

Sirius sighed. "Well... Yes. We didn't exactly choose to be ghosts; you know that."

Fred nodded, his eyes locking yet again with his sister's. "It's wonderful to see you again, but terrible all the same. And the worst thing is that we won't even be able to show our sadness in order to keep everyone else happy."

James sighed. He looked at Remus, very aware of his best friend's thoughts. He had the same. "It's as if Hogwarts' ghosts have put the values of lives on scales. Ours on one side and the students' on the other. I suppose they came to the conclusion that their lives, their happiness, is worth more than ours."

Hermione and Ginny looked at each other, quite shocked to hear these words.
Hermione looked at the sad faces in front of her. "So... You don't actually want to be here? Alive?" She asked carefully. The young witch knew that this was a sensitive topic, but her question had to be asked. She could only help when she knew the problem.

"Yes and no," Fred answered with an apologetic look at his little sister. "I want to be here, I really do. We all do. Just not like...," he sighed and gestured up and down on himself. The body of a seventeen year old boy, white, silvery and misty. He didn't have a real body, but to Fred it looked as if he did. He could see himself in colour and he actually walked on the floor and sat down actually touching the furniture. He didn't float or behave like other ghosts. Still, he wasn't alive. "Just not like this."

Remus nodded slowly. "Can you even call this 'being alive'? We can't eat, drink or touch anything. We can't use anything and our existence only has one single purpose from now on. We can't actually live. That's not being alive."

Yet again, tears welled up in Ginny's eyes. "I'm sorry. For all of you."

Hermione sighed, a sympathetic look on her face. "That really sounds horrible and you all deserve better."
Then she tilted her head. A glint appeared in her eyes.
"Ginny, go write those letters, would you? And you three," she looked at the marauders. An idea formed in her head and she couldn't stop the small smile forming on her lips. "This situation may seem terrible and I understand your position, but... Who told you that you couldn't live your life they way you want to? To enjoy and live it to the fullest? Who made the rules? But most importantly, since when do the marauders obey to rules?"

I really hope you like it so far!
Thanks for reading!

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