Chapter 12: Talking To Hermione

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Sirius was pretty bored. All of his fellow ghost friends were talking to their relatives in private, so that left the Black alone.

He thought that it wasn't too bad, since he could talk with Hermione while the others were gone.
Luckily, Sirius didn't have to wait too long until the lessons ended and Hermione entered the common room along with some other Gryffindors.

The girl stopped in her tracks when she saw Sirius sitting on an armchair, alone.
"Sirius? Where are the others?"

The ghost gestured for Hermione to sit down on the opposite chair. "Andromeda, the Weasleys and Harry are here, and they are all spending some private time. I was waiting to talk to you, actually."

Hermione sat down, nodding. Then her eyes widened, only realising something now. "Wait, Harry is talking to his dad!?"

Sirius grinned happily. "Jup."

A smile spread across the witch's face. "I'm so happy for them."

"Aside from a small few facts, we all are.... And that's why I wanted to talk to you."

Sirius picked up something from his lap. A white and see-through piece of parchment, Hermione noticed.
When Sirius held it out for Hermione to take, she grimaced. "I'm sorry, Sirius, but this will just pass right through me."

Sirius looked at the parchment, then at Hermione. It was weird how easily he forgot about the transparent state of himself and the things he touched. Sirius figured that it was because everything still seemed so normal and real to him. He forgot that the living people saw everything differently.

Sirius pulled his arm back, clearing his throat awkwardly. "Right. I'll just read it out, then."

Hermione nodded. "What is it, though?"

"A list," Sirius explained, his eyes fixed on it. "We thought about all the things we wanted to change or do and wrote them down.... We just don't know how to manage all of it." He sighed sadly. "All of it seems way too far fetched. We're daydreaming. We should better just start getting used to all of this instead."

Hermione shook her head. "Don't say that! You should never stop trying, that's the only mistake you could make. I'm sure, if there is anyone who could find a way to achieve their goals no matter what they are, it's you!"

Sirius looked at Hermione with grateful eyes. "Thank you, Hermione."

She nodded encouragingly. "So, what's on the list? What do you need help with?"

With that, Sirius took a deep breath and started to explain everything, and where they needed help.

Hermione listened attentively, crinkling up her forehead in concentration and biting her lower lip.
Once Sirius stopped talking, she let out a sigh.

"I really wish I could just tell you some spells and your problems were solved but... I don't really know a lot about ghosts and the rules that apply to them. I'll help you research, though!"

Sirius' heart dropped at Hermione's words. He had actually hoped that she'd just come up with solutions or ideas. Hermione was the brightest witch he knew, so if she didn't know what to do, how were the marauders?

He swallowed down a lump in his throat. "Okay. Thank you."

Hermione nodded, looking at something in the distance that only she could see. "I have an idea that might help you."

Sirius bent forward, anxiously waiting for Hermione to continue.

Her eyes readjusted to Sirius' face.
"I might not know a lot about ghosts, but I know someone who does. If you don't want to ask the other ghosts for advice or help, you can just go to her. I'm sure she'd love to help you."

Sirius nodded frantically. "Yes, who is it?"

Hermione smiled. "Have you heard of Luna Lovegood?"

Sirius furrowed his eyebrows, confused. Wasn't she one of the girls who had fought in the Ministry of Magic three years ago? "Luna Lovegood?"

Hermione nodded. "She's the only one who manages to keep a conversation with the Grey Lady going. She has her way with ghosts, so I'm sure that she could be a bigger help than me. She's really wise and good at looking at things from a different perspective. Her mind works in strange ways, but they always work. You should talk to her."

Sirius stared at Hermione for a few seconds, before thinking about it. It couldn't do any harm, could it? And if Hermione spoke so highly of her, she had to be able to help, right?

So he shrugged. "Why not? It's worth a try, I suppose."

Hermione smiled. "It definitely is. Trust me on that."

"So, when and where do you think we can meet her?"

"She's a Ravenclaw, so if you just wait for her in her common room, you can just talk to her there. Or ask a girl if she could get Luna to come out of her dormitory."

Sirius took a deep breath, nodding. "Okay. When the others are back, we'll go to her. Thanks again, Hermione."

The witch smiled and almost reached out to pat Sirius' shoulder. "Anytime."

Meanwhile in the corridors, Remus and Andromeda talked about Teddy, and how he loved the moon and chocolate. Apparently, his favourite colour to change his hair into was blue, and Remus always smiled when he heard that Teddy was doing okay. That was all that mattered to him.

Fred was being swarmed by his family members, all telling him that they were so happy to see him and that they had missed him so much, which really didn't make it easy for Fred to keep his tears at bay.

And James Potter told his son Harry all about his late mother.
When the students were starting to swarm out of the classrooms and into the corridors, a voice behind them called out for Harry.
The Potters turned around, and where a smile made its way onto Harry's face, and when he hugged her tightly, a smirk appeared on James' face. It was Ginny Weasley, Harry's girlfriend, and in James' eyes a perfect match for Harry.

He couldn't wait to tease Harry about her.
He had to catch up on several lost years of being a father, right?

I'm really sorry that it took me so long to update, but I've been really invested in my Sirius Black FF, I have a lot more ideas for that book than for this one, so I've written 20 chapters there and almost none here, sorryyyyy.
But I hope you like this chapter :)

Idk when I'll find time to update this story again, because I'm now in my final year of school, so it'll be pretty harsh.

On that note, I hate Göthe and Schiller and I can see how they were friends.
The smoked the same weed, ig.

Honestly, they've had to be high like 98% of the times they spent writing all of this crap. They don't even want us to understand what they're saying! 😑

So, I'll return to Schiller, now. Something about the mission of art or sth.
And when I'm done with that we'll start Göthe's Faust.

Anyway, stay happy!
Xoxo, your fangirl

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