Chapter 4: The Getting-to-know-everyone

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22nd December 1998

The three marauders and Fred Weasley in front of the fireplace in the Gryffindor common room was an odd sight.

They were sitting on the couches like normal students, yet they were anything but. James Potter was a father, although he looked seventeen years old, white/silvery and was see-through. Remus Lupin was a father as well, and a werewolf. Although he had died at an older age than anybody else in the Gryffindor common room, he still looked like his seventeen year-old self. He was just white/silvery and see-through, like Sirius Black and Fred Weasley, too.

In fact, all of the newly invocated ghosts looked no year older than seventeen, despite them all dying at a different age. Aside from Fred Weasley taking up the spot of Peter Pettigrew, it was as if the marauders were still in their seventh year at Hogwarts.

The second but last fact that didn't add up, was that- apart from being white/silver/see-through- they didn't look-look like ghosts. There was no doubt that the four young men were dead and ghosts, but they didn't give off the same ghostly vibes, in a way. Somehow, they still felt human, especially if one asked the ghosts themselves.

They saw each other in colour, and to each other, they looked 100% alive. They didn't even float like the other ghosts, except for the Grey Lady, did.

Except for their silvery appearances, they seemed to be normal humans.

"I don't understand," Sirius repeated right at this moment. "How come we all look seventeen? I died when I was older, and even Fred didn't die that young."

Remus chewed on his lower lip, thinking about it. "I think it has to do with us being 'student ghosts'. We didn't die as students, but are supposed to be ones, so we were aged down, I suppose."

"That makes sense," Sirius shrugged. "Still doesn't change the fact that it is weird."

"Yes, it doesn't," Fred agreed. He and James had occupied the armchairs left and right to the fireplace, while Remus and Sirius were sharing the couch in front of it. "For example, and I don't want to offend any of you, why would they invocate me alongside you? I mean, I know that I pulled a lot of pranks, but what did you do, exactly?"

Sirius and Remus exchanged confused glances. "Did nobody tell you?" Remus finally asked.

"Tell me what?"

"Well," Sirius begann. "You had the marauder's map for a while. You know that I'm an animagus. You know that Remus is a werewolve. That gives us the nicknames 'Padfoot' and 'Moony'. Does that ring a bell?"

It was as if a lightbulb had suddenly been turned on over Fred's head. His jaw fell and his eyes widened. "No way! You're the marauders?!"

"Yes, we are," Sirius grinned proudly, whereas James' expression turned more confused with every passing second.

"How come no one ever told us about this!? George and I practically worshipped you!" Fred's eyes glistened from excitement.

"Hold on, hold on, wait a minute!" James held out his hands in front of him, in the universal stop-sign. "Are we famous or something? What do you all know that I don't?"

Fred mustered James with a calculating look, ignoring the question. "So you're a marauder, too?" Then he gasped at the realisation. "Sirius called you 'Prongs'! You're Prongs! Moony, Padfoot and Prongs are sitting in front of me, I can't believe it! If George knew! But... wait, what about Wormtail?"

Fred instantly knew that he'd said something wrong. All of the boys in front of him tensed. Remus let out an audible puff of air. "Well, he's Peter Pettigrew, the one who turned James and Lily in, and the one that made Sirius spend 12 years in Azkaban"

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