Chapter 5: Another Introduction

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The only sound that could be heard was the panting of the two teenagers and Professor McGonagall.
The headmistress did not know what to expect when the two blond haired Gryffindors had approached her, hecticly calling out her name when she was on her way to her office with the Nearly Headless Nick accompanying her, wanting to talk.

The girl had screeched something about a wolve and a reindeer and Professor McGonagall had no idea what was going on, but judging by the shocked and paniced faces of the teenagers, she figured that she should have a look.

She most certainly did not expect the reason for her grey hair to sit in the common room.
She did not expect to see new ghosts.
And in combination; she did not expect to see the most nerve wrecking bunch of students of all time, sitting there as ghosts.

After the initial shock and exhaustion of seeing 3/4 of the marauders and Fred Weasley back in the castle, she found herself fighting back a smile when all of the boys grinned at her.

"If it isn't our beloved Professor McGonagall!" James beamed and stretched out his arms as if to hug her, but he stayed on his spot, a couple feet away from her.

"The one and only Gryffindor-Queen!" Sirius backed up and gestured at McGonagall, looking like a cheerleader.

Remus scoffed, then he turned his head at the headmistress and waved. "Hello."

"'Sup?" Fred called from the back. "Long time no see."

Professor McGonagall slowly shook her head in disbelief, her hand still resting on her chest. "You have got to be kidding me- what are you doing here?!"

"I-I don't understand," the Gryffindor girl stammered. "There - were animals, two of them, fighting!"
"And who are the ghosts?," the boy, presumably her brother, wanted to know.

Without tearing her gaze away from the marauders, Professor McGonagall held out her left hand and patted the girl's shoulder softly.
"No need to worry, Miss Brant. I know them."
Then she turned to the ghosts. "How in the name of Merlin did you get here!?"

Fred shrugged. "You're asking the wrong ghosts, Professor, because we actually have no clue either. We just go along with it."

The house ghost of Gryffindor floating behind Professor McGonagall let out a sigh, which made everyone look at him.
"This is actually why I wanted to talk to you, headmistress."

The woman raised an eyebrow incredulously. "Then why didn't you just say it was about them!? I need time to prepare myself when it comes to these men!"
She gestured at the marauders who grinned in return

"Aaw, thanks Professor," Fred beamed. "That's probably the nicest thing you've ever said to me!"
"Don't expect too many compliments from now on," Sirius muttered in the direction of the ginger.

"Well?" The Professor chose to ignore Fred's and Sirius' comments and turned to face the old house ghost again. "How are they here? And so young? And after so much time?"

"Oh, that- errm- actually was a decision made by the ghosts of Hogwarts. We invocated their spirits by using the power and blessing of the founders."

"Oh?" The teacher glanced back at the marauders. She didn't know what to think of all of this. "But why?"

The ghost swiftly glanced at the two Gryffindors that were in the room with them and cleared his throat rather awkwardly. "Um, I think it would be better if we discussed that in private."

The teenagers exchanged confused glances. They didn't understand why the ghost wouldn't want to talk about it in front of them.
Still, that wouldn't keep them from asking their questions.
"Who are you?" The girl asked, puzzled.

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