Chapter 14: Luna Lovegood

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All heads in the Ravenclaw Common room turned before the Marauders even entered.

"So we'll just walk through the door again?"

They could hear a sigh. "I hate that feeling."

"I love it."

"I would like to hear the riddle, though."

"Unfortunate for you; I'm glad to live without it."

James Potter materialised in front of the door, holding onto the arm of an annoyed looking Remus Lupin and pulling him through the door as well.

"Hello, young souls," James grinned, once again successfully convincing everyone of his happiness.

He received a few muttered 'hello's, just as Fred and Sirius appeared behind them.

"Hi," Sirius breathed out, looking through the sea of students. "We're looking for Luna Lovegood, does anyone know where she is?"

A fourth year sitting by the fireplace answered. "She's in her dorm, I can get her, if you'd like?"

James waved his hand dismissively. "Oh, don't bother, we'll go to her."

With firm steps, he made his way to the staircase leading to the girls dormitories. Fred and Sirius followed him, and only Remus hesitated, falling behind.
"Erm, James, remember that incident with Marlene in seventh year? I've got a deja-vu, maybe you shouldn't -"

"Oh, knock it off, Moony," interrupted James, not slowing down. "We're ghosts now, we can do whatever we- UMPFF"

He couldn't clarify whatever it was that he thought they could do, because just when he was about to set foot onto the first step, he banged against an invisible wall.

That earned a lot of laughs, and because of this sound, James wasn't even bothered with the fact that he'd just embarrassed himself in front of almost the whole Ravenclaw house.

It seemed that the Marauders didn't even have to really try in order to cheer the students up.

"...Ouch," James said after the pupils calmed down, even though he hadn't felt the crash. Force of habit.

Remus almost snorted. "You can't forget that we were summoned with the blessing of the four founders. If they don't allow their students to enter the other gender's dormitories, why would they allow us?"

James slowly turned around, facing everyone again. "Yeah, maybe someone should get Luna downstairs for us."

With a grin, the fourth year by the fireplace snapped her book shut and made her way past the ghosts.

The Marauders had no other choice than to wait for the girl's return, so they simply stood in the middle of the common room, ignoring the many eyes on them.
A little awkward, if you asked Remus.
"It's so weird to be in here," Fred breathed out, looking around the blue and bronze room.
"Tell me about it," James agreed, staring at the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.
All of them didn't notice Sirius' dark looks, while he was silently brooding behind the others.

Being inside the Ravenclaw common room awakened some memories.
One of which was Peter, whom he'd preferred to never think of again.
Peter had been the only Marauder to enter this common room before the others had been invocated. For the making of their infamous map, Peter had used his Animagus form - the filthy rat - to slip into the room and memorise the vague outlines.
That little, s-

Luckily, Sirius was torn out of his dark thoughts when the one girl returned, with Luna following her - almost floating- closely behind.

The blonde's smile widened as soon as her eyes fell upon the four ghosts.
"Hello," she said dreamily.

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