Chapter 2: The Invocation

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22nd December 1998

The ghosts of Hogwarts met again, like they had said.

Everyone was in an incredibly good mood, excited because of what they were about to do.

The room was filled with chattering and murmurs, but it immediately quieted down when Helena Ravenclaw entered the room.

She held a big book in her arms, walked towards the wooden table and and let it fall with a bang.

"We found it," she said with a small smile. "We can start."

The whispers returned, but the Fat Friar spoke over the noise. "We found out that it will work the best if we seperate into four groups, each one invocating one person."

"And each group should have at least one ghost of each hose in it. That way the founder's magic will be spread evenly, and we have the best chance at succeeding," another ghost that had helped researching added, and the others nodded, signaling that they'd understood.

"Let's do this."

With that, the ghosts got into groups of four to five.

Then, everybody waited for further instructions, given to them by the Grey Lady.

Once everybody understood and remembered everything, the ghosts of each group took each other's hands and formed a circle.

All that was heard was murmering, filling the room with enchantments.

Silver smoke appeared in every formed circle. The white mist swirled over the floor and grew steadily, with every minute the enchantments were sung.

Soon, four pillars of smoke had been created and started to form the shape of four people.

The first shape that could be recognised was of a tall, thin, young man with scars covering his face.

The second recognisable shape was of a young man with glasses and messy hair.

Then, another man with longer hair appeared.

And finally, another tall boy with ruffled hair.

The ghost stopped their enchantments and looked at the four young men- all of them floated in the air, with closed eyes, unconscious.

"Did... Did it work?" A Slytherin ghost asked and let go of the other ghosts' hands.
"I think it did," someone replied.
"But why aren't they moving?" Another ghost questioned.

"Let's give them time," the chubby woman suggested. "They will probably wake up soon- I mean, they have only been summoned seconds ago, we shouldn't rush into things."

"I agree," The Grey Lady returned to the table and closed the book, her fingers lingering on the cover. "We've done our parts. The rest isn't up to us."

All eyes lingered on the new four figures, floating a few centimetres over the floor, just like everybody else, except for the Grey Lady.

Fred Weasley's eyes were the first to open. The moment his eyes focused, he fell out of the air, his feet now touching the floor. "What the -"

He looked at the ghosts of Hogwarts surrounding him. What was weird was that all of them had colours, something that Fred had never seen before - like the Nearly Headless Nick's tights being red, and the Fat Friar's hair being a bright blond.

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