37 - You're the one for me - Baybrose

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For: @MrAmbrose1

Bayley has always been a sweet girl, innocent with a happy soul and without a shadow of a doubt she'll always have a smile on her face. It's almost like her role to make everyone else feel better with her infectious happiness. So it's completely out of the ordinary for Bayley to be sad, for Bayley not to be uplifting people, for Bayley needing to be uplifted herself. The people surrounding her notice very quickly that Bayley is out of sorts and one person is determined more than the rest to ensure his fun loving friend will have that beautiful smile on her face once more.

Dean is different, he's more closed off than everyone else. He doesn't like to share emotion and he claims not to care about anyone, but there is one person, one girl that he does care about and he hates to see her upset.

I enter the arena for another long day of training and dealing with media when I spot Bayley, she looks all dejected and out of place. The misery on her face is clear as day, I try to gain her attention but she's so disassociated from what's going on she doesn't even acknowledge me as she heads deeper into the arena. This is nothing like Bayley is, I don't think I've ever seen Bayley upset before. She's always so on-top of life but today she seems like she's at rock bottom. "What are you looking at?" Sasha walked up behind me, standing on her tipy-toes to lean her head on my shoulder. "It's Bayley, she's upset." I turned around to face Sasha and she looked confused. "But Bayley is never upset." She pressed a kiss to my cheek. "I know babe but she looked so distant, so out of it? Maybe you should try to talk to her, you are her best friend after all." She nodded, already retrieving her phone from her bag to ring Bayley.

"No answer, now thats really odd. She always answers." I noticed Sasha's expression became a bit more concerned as she tried Bayley again, still not getting answer. "Try ringing some of our friends Seth to see if they've seen her, I'm going to have a look around the arena." She ran off down the corridor, still attempting to ring Bayley as she disappeared down the corridor. I started to ring around and person after person said they hadn't even seen Bayley today and I sighed, realising this was going to be a lot more difficult than usual.

I ran around the arena and I checked absolutely everywhere, with no luck at all. This is not like Bayley, not one bit. She always turns up to shows even if she's not wrestling, she likes to help out and make sure me and the girls are all ready for our matches. I turn around to start heading back to mine and Seth's locker room when I bump into Dean Ambrose. "Sasha! Eyes up." He grumbled as his phone started to ring. "I've got to get this, your husbands calling." He started to walk off and I mumbled curse words at him under my breath.

"Hey man, you haven't happened to see Bayley today?" Seth sounded slightly concerned and I tried to shrug it off. "No, but I have just bumped into that clumsy wife of yours." Seth sighed down the line. "Don't talk about my wife, we're both a little stressed okay!" I knew he was about to hang up so I had to quickly patch things up because I do want to know why they're all stressing over Bayley. "Why are you looking for Bayley?" I asked. "Somethings going on with her, not that you would care." Seth rudely remarked. "Actually I do care, I'm free from wrestling duties tonight so I'll swing by her house and see how she is, happy?" If I could see his face right now I'm sure it would be a look of disbelief. "Uh- yeah alright. Text me when you get there~" I hung up before Seth could give me anymore unnecessary instructions.

I was sitting on my sofa, halfway through a tub of ice cream and the film 6 feet apart when I heard the slam of a car door outside, followed by a little rap of knocks on the door. Now I never get any visitors and I shouldn't even be home today so it's probably going to be Sasha, but I find myself walking over to the door anyway. I swing the door open and I completely shocked the see Dean Ambrose on the other side, cigarette between his fingers, the smell making me feel like I was going to throw up all over again. "Can I help you?" I asked carefully, holding my breath as he stamped out his cigarette. "Sasha and Seth said you were sad, so they sent me over here to check on you to see if you're alright and by the fact you're in all sweats and you've clearly been crying I can tell that you're not. Mind if I come in?" I just stepped aside, letting him walk into my house. "And you're watching films to purposely make you cry, damn that's rough." He made his way over to my sofa and he flopped down comfortably.

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