12 - Chareigns - High School Project II

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Joe has become more friendly with me as of late, we are looking after a baby together so perhaps he just wants good marks for once.

"I'm gonna head off now, I've got a doctors appointment."

"Do you want me to come with?"

"If you don't mind, you can drive me there!"

Luckily he agreed as I really didn't want to take the bus, it's only when we arrive I realise today I was having a sweep. Which is like an internal exam, Joe doesn't know that I'll just make sure he doesn't see anything.

"You look kinda nervous, you good?"

"Mmh just I've got a sweep today."

"What's that?"

"An internal exam."

His face went red and he just coughed.

"You can sit outside if you'd like."

"Nah I'll stay with you, also I don't fancy being alone with this animatronic thing."

"Thank you..."

"Have you been going by yourself all this time?"

I timidly nodded my head.

"Becky's busy all the time and I don't want to worry her."

"You should've asked me."

"How could l have? You've barley spoken to me since I found out I was pregnant."

"I know, it was a dick move from me and I'm sorry. My parents didn't want me around you and for some reason I chose to stay away."

"Your here now so that's all that matters."

He got out of the car and opened my door for me. He offered to push the pram around which I was grateful for, hopefully people won't think I've got two kids before I've even finished school.

"I have an appointment for 2:30."

"Doctor Trent is ready for you now, I'm assuming your in the baby project."

"Yep Santiago, I got forced into it and I'm sharing with Joe."

"Well good luck I know those things can be torture."

"Thanks see you later."

"Of course hun, let me know how it goes."

We walked into the room and the bed was set up ready, I took a deep breath and got Joe to stand outside as I changed into the hospital gown.

"Wow someone's looking gorgeous."

"Thank you."

I managed to laugh a little through the nerves and I sat down, my doctor came in with his clipboard and starting asking me the usual questions. They went to start the sweep so I had to quickly pull Joe up away from there.

"Ashley I do not wish to worry you."


"You are currently 1cm dilated."

"Wait what?"

"I believe baby will be born in the next few days."



"There's so much I need to do."

"Just take it easy, if you feel a contraction come to me and we'll get you ready to deliver."

"I wasn't expecting this and I'm kinda even more scared then I was before."

"It's okay to have fears but I assure you'll be looked after while your here."

"Thank you, I must get home to pack a hospital bag."

"Do you want a list?"

"Yeah go on then."

He handed me a leaflet with a list on the back of all the things a mother should bring to hospital, I feel strange. I'm not sure whether I'm thrilled to finally meet my baby or scared that it'll be painful and long. Joe looks concerned but I just ignore it, we get back to the car but Joe doesn't start the engine.


"Joe what's the matter?"

"I'm the dad."

Silence, How could he have known this entire time and not told me? I've been looking for the father I've asked so many boys if I'd slept with them and to save me from the humiliation Joe could've just told me.

"You should've told me."

"I couldn't, my parents would kill me if they found out so I just couldn't."

"I've been trying to find the man for so long and I've had so many questions which you could've answered. Like will he want to be around if I ever find him? Will he tell me to get an abortion? Will he help pay and look after the kid? You saw how much not knowing the dad worried me and you knew the entire time!"

"Firstly I want to be around, of course not and yes, I would and do want to."

I looked at him and shook my head.

"Come on give me a hug!"

I pulled him in and he hugged back, I placed my head on his shoulder and he whispered into my hair.

"If you'll let me I'd like to be there..."

"For what?"

"Everything, I want to be the dad I always said I'd be even if that means getting kicked out."

"Thank you Joe, I know you'll be great."

"No one will be better than us."

I looked him dead in the eyes and nodded, I kissed the end of his nose and he laughed.

"Glad you agree then."


The next three days were slow and painful, also filled with multiple trips to the hospital. Joe's stayed with me, Becky allowed him we told her it was just because of the baby project. I have to go back to school to hand in my assignment about how this project made me think and all the stuff that happened, Joe offered to take it for me but I walked an opportunity to leave the house.

We handed in the assignment when I got my first proper contraction, I grab onto Joe to try and stop myself from screaming. I made my way over to my seat when I feel another contraction, i notice how close they are together and know I need to go to hospital. Luckily Joe notices and we get dismissed so he can take me, like I was promised everyone was gentle and calm. I had a monitor strapped to me and within the hour it was time to push.

"Ashley I'm gonna next you to push on the next pain."

I pushed and Joe held my hand, I screamed and Joe kept me cool.

"One more Ashley."


I pushed until I heard a cry, I know all my pain was worth it when they handed me my baby boy.

"Welcome to the world little one."

Joe cut the umbilical cord and spent the rest of day with me and our little boy.

"Guess this baby project worked out kinda well?"

"You could say that."

For the first time he kissed me, it was sweet and perfect and made my tummy do flips. We both heard a little giggle from our baby boy.

"I think we should call him Roman..."

"I was thinking Roman Reid Fliehr."

"I think it should me Reid Roman Anoa'i."

"Reid Anoa'i it is."

He kissed me and we both kissed our beautiful baby boy. All is right in my little world and I just hope it stays this way forever.

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