6 - Brollins - Apocalypse

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I've been on my own for six years, I haven't spoken in six years. My entire family died when this thing happened and I don't think my husband is alive either. I've somehow managed to survive, zombies are everywhere they are inescapable. I need to find a group but I don't know if I can let myself build connections with people again, I don't even know if there's anyone left. I've only seen two people since the world fell apart and they both died before my very eyes, I tried to help them but it was too late. Both bitten, they gave me food and weapons and told me to go North that there's a group at the end of the train tracks. 2 weeks later I'm still trying to find this group, I hate night. It's the worst time, you need to find somewhere high up or your as good as dead. I can see the sun is setting and according to the map, the track ends in half a mile, I start to jog when I see a light. It's a torch pointing in my direction.


Out of the bush came a group, they surrounded me and had all there guns pointed in my face. I dropped everything to the ground and surrendered to them. A female stepped forward.

"I'm Ashley, leader of this group. Please state your name!"

"Rebecca, Rebecca Quin."

She dropped her gun and ran over to me wrapping her arms around me.

"Becky, I thought you were dead!"

"Me too."

"Have you been on your own all these years?"

I nodded and she pulled me off the floor, she signalled something to the others and they grabbed my stuff. Ashley walked me back to the camp, it had high walls and houses, it looks like a normal neighbourhood.

"So welcome to a place we call the safe zone. I live in that house on the left, I'm guessing you want a shower and haircut?"

"Yes please."

My hair was practically touching the floor and I haven't showered in forever, she led me inside and up to the bathroom. She turned the water on and I gave her my clothes, she tossed a towel and some clean clothes onto the floor and I climbed in. The water rushed over my skin and for the first time I felt good, I've found this place and my best friend again.

"Someone find me Lopez!"

One of the girls rushed off to his house, he's not spoken since the apocalypse happened. Not to me or to anyone else, I think it's time he gets some good news. It shocked me when he actually came outside.

"Colby, I've got some good news for you. Go sit in my house and just wait."

He walked off and I smiled to myself knowing I was reuniting the power couple of WWE.

I climbed out of the shower and placed on the clean clothes Ashley had given me, I walked down the stairs and into the living room, my breath caught in the back of my throat when I saw him. It's been so so long since I've seen him.


He span around so quickly and his face changed, the grey in his eyes gone and frown replaced with a smile.


Tears were rolling down my face as I ran to him, jumping into his arms in the process. Our lips collided and I felt fireworks exploding in my stomach, I wrapped my legs around his waist but eventually pulled away after a moment. I looked into his eyes and it was of nothing ever changed, I'm finally back with the man I love so much and I'm so glad that I'm finally home.

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