19 - Brollins - Jealousy

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Requested by: @donuts12220
Context: Brollins one shot where Becky gets jealous.
Let's get things straight I am not jealous, I never get jealous. I'd be willing to swear it on the bible if it meant people believed me, who cares if some random bird chats up my husband and said husband is giggling away like a teenager. Not me, no chance in hell.

I try to take my attention off them as I wait for Colby to return with my pork scratchings, every now again they catch my attention. It's obvious that this chick is flirting with Colby, maybe not to everyone but to me. She's had eyes on him ever since we walked into the club, she was practically salivating when he walked to the bar. She takes his hand and leads him to her table, that is not a problem. I'm not jealous.

Maybe this girl doesn't know he has a wife? It's not exactly common knowledge unless you're a sports fan, we don't exactly like to shove it in people's faces that we're married. Of course every now and again we're on the news making cutesy remarks about each other but there is no clear indication that we're actually married. It's not this bitches fault if she doesn't know he's married.

Maybe I should just go over and say hi, just to prove to Colby that I'm not jealous. I walk towards the table and see her resting her hand on Colby's arm, I make the effort to cough slightly scaring the bitc- I mean lovely girl.

"We can start your training sessions every Wednesday. You can work with Becky over here, if that's okay with her?...Becky...?"

"Uh, could you repeat that."

"You alright you seem a little distant."

"I'm fine, j~"

"So Colby as I was saying I wanted to train with you!"

I angrily glared over at her and she stares right back at me, taking a sip of her pink gin as if she's done nothing wrong. What a cu~


"Yeah yeah, whatever."

I watched his eyebrows furrow in confusion, I turned my attention back to the barbiesk bitch in front of me, he squeezed my thigh comfortingly before restarting the conversation with the girl. I feel I strange feeling building up inside of me, I want to punch her and get her the fuck away from my husband. On impulse I catch Colby's neck and pull him into a kiss, when I pull away I see the hoe roll her eyes oh and Colby turn a light shade of pink which I just find adorable. Surely she gets the idea now.

"Imma get a drink do you want anything."

"I'm good."


"Just a vodka and tonic please."

"Sure thing."

I watch her stare at his ass as he walks to the bar, surely she should've realised that the only person he's going home tonight with is me, if not she's just as oblivious as Colby to this girls advances. The table is silent until Colby comes back with two pints of larger and Lacey's vodka and tonic.

"I know you said you didn't want anything but I got you a larger anyway."

"Thank you honey."

He quirked his eyebrow up at me and I just laughed, I don't normally use pet names especially in public so I get why it could be a surprise.

"Oh Becks you should hear Lacey's story about her ex, it's hilarious."

She goes to speak but I cut her off.

"I'm good."

She huffs and gives me the most disgusting look, it takes everything in me not to sock her in the face right here right now.

"So Colby do you wanna come back to mine for some more drinks?"

I see her place her hand on Colby's inner thigh which makes my blood boil.

"We actually have to get home to our kids sorry."

I grab Colby's hand and pull him out of the club.

"I couldn't watch her put her hands all over you anymore, I know we don't have kids but it was just an easy excuse."

"Ooh Becks I thought you didn't get jealous."

"I don't. But come on that girl couldn't get enough of you, she was staring at your ass when you went the bar. Like come on, how could you not tell?"

"Oh I could but it was fun to see you so jealous, I thought you might've punched her."

"Trust me, I was tempted."

"I bet you were, Mrs I don't get jealous."

"I don't!"

A/N: I know I've done a lot of Brollins oneshots recently just asking if you guys mind?

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