21 - Brollins - Don't like you II

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Requested by: peaches504
Request: Colby and Becky have kids and Colby cheated on Becky but she forgives him. He finds out that the woman he slept with is now pregnant, she doesn't want the baby so Colby keeps it. But Rebecca doesn't like the baby and that starts an argument.

Ringing Colby💍💞🌟...

"Hey you said to ring you as soon as I'd seen the message."

"Oh yeah did your dad die?"

"No! Our family dog did! Jesus Colby I would've told you if my dad was dead."

"Oh right, sorry about the dog."

"Have you been alright?"

"Yeah, let me guess Rosie told you I was crying. I'm fine honestly just enjoy your time in the park."

"Hold on, April is calling me can I put you on hold?"



"What's wrong."

"Everything hurts, please help."

"You're only 32 weeks."

"I know please get to the hospital just in case I am in labour."

"I'm on my way, just hang on."

"Come on kids, Momma has been sick let's go."

They all ran out of the gate so I took Becky off hold.

"Is she alright?"

"No, she's at the hospital. She thinks she's in labour..."

"Get the kids home and I'll call my mother to watch them. Try not to worry everything will be okay, I had the twins in my 29th week and they were fine."

"We almost lost Tommy."

"But you won't lose this one, I need to go but I'll have the car ready by the time you get back."

"Ok, love you."

She hung up the phone and I ran to catch up with the kids.

"I hope she's okay."

"I don't know, I think we're going to need to pop to the hospital."

"Boys hurry up, we need to get to Momma!"

We quickly got home and I told Becky to act like she is hurting.

"I'll be okay baby, grandma is in the garden. Go play with her, it'll make me happy."

"Call Grandma is anything happens."

"I will honey don't worry."

I walked out holding Becky up slightly.

"Don't you feel bad lying to the kids."

"Yeah but I need to get to April."

Little time skip to the hospital...

"It's a boy!"

A tear falls down my face as they place my beautiful baby boy into April's arms.

"I don't want to hold him, please give him to Colby. Please."

"A baby should really stay with it's mother~"

"Please, please, please."

The nurse handed me my little boy, I guess I was wrong when I said it'll be a girl but I don't mind he's perfect as he is.

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