24 - Almost missed - Brollins

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I wake up as an immense pain flows through my body, my mind immediately fell onto my baby. I reached across the bed to wake up Seth but when my hand hit the empty bed I remembered Seth was on the road. I reached out to try and find my phone, I luckily found it I switched it on and squinted as the bright screen illuminated the room. I dialled Charlotte's number but got no answer, panic flowed through me once more as I felt more pain. I swung my legs over the bed and wrapped my hands around my bump. I don't know what's going on but all I know is that I need to get to the hospital. I stand up but quickly have to sit back down a I feel another pain, it can't be contractions, I know I'm close but I'm still 4 weeks away. When we went to the doctors last week they said I'll be full term having this baby, that's why Seth went on the road. He was going to do survivor series and then be written off TV so he could be here for the baby and I, but now I think it was a bad decision letting him go. I look over at the clock and saw the red lights flash 4:32AM, I grabbed my phone and called Seth, I didn't get any answer so I let out a cry of pain. I know Seth's on the road with Dean so I'll try him, if he doesn't answer I don't know what I'm doing to do...I can't have this baby alone in the dark, in the middle of the night.
"Beckster ~ what are you doing up at this time?"
"Not important, is Seth still up?"
"He went to bed earlier, I'm only up because of Renee...she gets pretty freaky at times."
"Dean! Please spare me of the details of your sex life, please just wake Seth and put him on the phone!"
"Okay! Okay!"
He was chuckling as I heard some ruffling noises.
"Dude, Becky's on the phone."
"Yeah, it's not like her to be up at this time. Talk to her, something's up."
I tried not to make any noises to show the pain I was in, I tried to breathe through the pain but it was getting stronger and stronger with every given second.
"Becky, what's up?"
I heard Seth's sleepy voice and normally my heart would melt out of adoration but tonight I wish for nothing more than Seth to be home.
"Seth...I think I'm in labour. I don't think our little one wants to wait until December?"
"What?!? I don't know if I'll be able to get home in time..."
"I know, I'm scared. What if I can't do it alone?"
"Of course you can do it, Becks how often are the contractions?"
"Every 10 minutes...I think I need to get to the hospital."
"Becky as much as I don't want to do this, I'm going to hand you back over to Dean. I'm coming home, I'll pay for internet and everything...I'm not going to leave you alone okay?"
"Okay, I love you."
"Try and get the hospital bag while I pack."
I heard Seth handing the phone back to Dean, I stood up from the bed and let out a little yelp of pain.
"Hey Becky, you good?"
Dean's voice was timid, he spoke uneasily.
"Dean I'm in labour and my husband isn't here, so I'm doing fantastic! How are you?"
"I'm doing cracking~"
"Dean I wasn't being serious."
"Becky just breathe, you're going to be alright."
I heard Seth's voice in the background and I tried to believe him, I grabbed the hospital bag and chucked it over my shoulder. I walked downstairs, towards the garage. I grabbed the keys from the rack and climbed into the rover.
"Still here..."
"Are they getting closer together?"
"The contractions, no, not yet..."
I started the engine and started to contemplate whether this was a good idea, driving myself could be dangerous.
"I'm leaving for the airport now, you've just got to hold on...I'll be home soon I promise."
The garage doors opened and I drove out, the street lights dimly lit the road out of my neighbourhood, I pulled out onto the highway and the radio played some old track. I tried to focus on the road and not the pain building with each contraction, I heard the sound of a phone hanging up and I bit my lip nervously. I saw the sign for the hospital and I breathed a sigh of relief, I'm almost there. Me and baby are almost safe, I notice my phone start to ring so I pull my eyes away from the road to answer. I heard a car horn and I noticed I was driving head on to another car. I slammed on the breaks and so did the person in front of me, luckily there was no contact but I almost just caused a crash. I notice the person get out of out of the car so I do the same.
"What the hell? Look where you're going!"
"I'm really sorry! I'm in labour and my husband who's currently in Ohio called, I'm so sorry..."
"You're driving in labour?"
I nodded and her facial expression softened.
"Jump in, I'll get my husband to drive your car there. It's not safe to drive pregnant."
I grabbed my bag and climbed into her car, I felt the contractions start to become closer. We finally arrived at the hospital after what felt like three hours, with the help of the kind lady we managed to get into the hospital.
"Honey, I'll grab your bag."
She left me leaning against the front desk, a nurse rushed over when she saw the pain on my face.
"I'm in labour."

My knee was bouncing as I tried to ring Becky, I was getting no answer and it put me on edge. What if she's hurt? In need of my help? What if she's already giving birth? I don't want to miss the birth of our baby...I knew I shouldn't have gone to survivor series, I knew Becky was close but I thought it would be fine. The doctor said she had 4 weeks to go, I never wanted to miss the birth of any of my children, especially my first.
"We'll be back in time, it'll be fine..."
Dean tried to reassure me but it wasn't working, I just want to be by Becky's side helping her through the pain in any way I can.
"One more hour!"
That hour felt like the longest time, we finally arrived in the hospital and I had to hold back any tears as I ran up to the maternity ward. Breathless, I asked the receptionist where Becky was and she showed me straight to her room. I pushed through the double doors and saw Becky, she looked all sweaty and had tears in her eyes and I thought I was too late. But when Becky cried out to me I knew I was in time.
"Seth! It hurts so badly!"
I dropped all my bags and ran over to her, she grappled onto my shoulders and I cupped her face with my hands.
"Just push baby, come on you've got this."
She screamed in agony and the room fell quiet, a tiny cry broke out into the world.
"It's a baby girl~"
They brought her over to me and placed her into my arms as they cleaned Becky up. I felt tears building up in my eyes as I looked down.
"Hello princess, I almost missed this moment with you...but I'm so glad I didn't. Welcome to this world little one..."

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