10 - Brollins - Rollercoaster

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I somehow managed to convince Colby to take me to Alton Towers, I know he is truly terrified but I love themparks. I've never been to Towers before and I want to finally experience things like 'The Smiler!' And the original 'Nemesis'. I'm kinda scared myself but I know Colby is petrified and hates any type of ride but today I hope to finally get him to go on something big.

"How far away are we?"

"Not far, it's like ten minutes away Becks."

He shaking a little and we're not even in the park, I place my hand onto his and the sunlight flickers off my new wedding ring.

"You excited?"

"Do I look excited?"

"Colby you look like you want to be sick. So no, I'm guessing your not excited."

"I'm fine, just a bit on the nervous side."

"Ooh look, there's the entrance to the park!"

He was bouncing his knee while we waited for the traffic lights to turn green, we pulled into the car park and it was pretty empty it is Monday after all.

"It's going to be fine baby, it's just a themepark."

"Statistically 1 in a million people die in a themepark."

"I know that's not true so come on, let's go get the monorail."

We walked over to the small queue for the train when Colby was pale as ever.

"Colby it's just a train, we go on trains all the time."

He nodded and ran off to the bathroom, he came back five minutes later looking a little less green.

"You feeling better?"

"Yeah, let's get the train."

The train ride was nice and I got to see all the coasters I'll be forcing Colby on. We scanned the tickets and walked into the park, I knew I wanted to ride wicker man first so I pulled him over there.

"Becks we're not going on this."

"We're not queuing for this honey, there's a ride over there. This is just some other ride."

I pointed to the fastrack queue for wicker man.

"See that's where the queue for this big ride is."

Luckily he believed me and we queued, we got back row and Colby looked terrified. The ride started and his screamed on the first drop which I found hilarious as it's not even a proper drop. He was holding onto my hand for dear life, we started the lift hill and he realised that we were on the coaster I told him we weren't going on.

"Becky you lied!!"

"Only way to get you to enjoy yourself."

We reached the top of the lift hill and I put my hands up, pulling one of Colby's up too in the process. He screamed like such a little girl the entire way round, I did hurt my ears a little to be honest. When we finally reached the station the people in front were laughing there asses off. I could see how embarrassed Colby looked,we got off the ride and got our bags then went to see our ride photos. Colby looked terrified and I was having the time of my life, I bought it so I could remember this forever.

"I actually kinda had fun!"

"I told you so!"

"So what's next?"

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