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---- " CHAPTER 7 " ----
---Best friends.---

Wilbur kept his head faced down.

"Elodie, I'm worried." He started. "Ever since your parents called you've been acting... different? It's almost like you hate me." Elodie tried to ignore him.

"I don't hate you. I couldn't hate you." She mumbled.

"Elodie, you're overdoing it." He said.

"What do you mean Wilbur? My parents don't care anymore so why should I? Why do you?" She yelled.

"You know exactly what I mean!" He snaps. "Elodie, you can't see it but so many people care *and* love you. I don't want this to become an argument..."

"Too late." She said getting up and grabbing her phone. Slamming the door and leaving. It was never common for the two to argue, but when they did it was horrid. Elodie loved Wilbur with all her heart. She never wanted to lose him. He meant everything to her. These little and dumb arguments hurts her as much as they hurt Wilbur.

Elodie sat in the lobby on a chair. Debating if she should go back up and appologize. The girl called nobody other than Technoblade himself.

"Elodie? What's up?" He spoke.

"I- Techno I fucked up." She cried. "He was concerned. I pushed him away."

"Elodie, take a deep breath. Okay, now explain it slower to me please."

"If you haven't noticed I've been opening up to society and I've, uh." She takes a shakey breath. "Well, I found comfort in you..."

"Yeah? How is this-"

"Wilbur is jealous or something. Like I'm not confiding in him so he's mad."

"You guys have been friends since what?"

"Since I skipped a grade and he helped me."

"He cares about you Elodie, now in no way will I become the therapist friend" Elodie smiled.

"No, being the therapist friend is so draining. Hence why Wilbur was my only friend for years."

"I think you should talk to him," Techno said, his voice was genuine. Calming almost, and to Elodie thats all she needed.

"Thanks Techno. Sorry to bug you."

"No problem, Bye!"

"Lo- Oh my god I almost said love you." She laughed.

"Well, love you too Elodie." Techno laughed ending the call. Elodie walked back upstairs and knocked on the door. She forgot her card in her tantrum. She waited there for 5 minutes. Knocked again, no answer. She waited another 5 minutes, nothing. She sent a quick message to him, assuming he fell asleep she texted Techno asking to pick her up. Sitting in the lobby Elodie noticed the small things about late nights at hotels. How people will rush in wanting to get to bed, how little kids have so much energy when entering. How many, many people order pizza instead of going out. Which she didn't blame them. It was quiet except for the occasional elevator ding. Elodie was in her pajamas. An T-Shirt and baggy pants. She didn't even have shoes, just socks on. Once Techno got to the hotel she rushed outside.

The drive was silent, Elodie hummed along to the radio and stared out the window. Buildings and trees passed by. Elodie looked over to Techno who had a worried look on his face. Elodie wanted this to be over, yet she knew Wilbur was right. Knowing her parents couldn't give a shit about her made her furious. She wanted to prove them both wrong. That she's not the disappointment they think she is. The only reason Elodie went to University was to somehow maybe give her parents another chance. She aways gave them a second chance, thinking it was going to be different each time.

hey stupid, i love you. technoblade (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now