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            She couldn't believe the scene that unfolded before her eyes. She stood frozen, stunned, bewildered – all the words you think of. Sirens blared and uniformed men were running all over the place. The whole neighborhood was in chaos. She still stood mouth-opened and out of words – refusing to believe what was going on. Her messy hair tied in an odd shape with a pencil sticking out. She watched as the water gushed out like a burst pipe unto the building and all she could think about was "the house is burning". "My house is burning". It wasn't until she was pulled into a hug before she registered what was happening. Her mother was there hugging her. Just then the news team arrived to fish for information. "Do you have any valuables in there?" Looking more worried than the victim herself. Her father was talking to the men in charge. She just shook her head. Immediately her eyes met her mother's. "My clothes! my notes! My laptop!" Her eyes widened after each item. "We can always get new clothes. You have copies of your notes at the house and all the information on your laptop is backed up on your dad's computer. I thought you said you didn't have any valuables." Her mother tried to lighten the mood. "I don't know Ma." She whined. Her father later came back with information. They avoid more stressful matters she got in the car with her parents and drove off. She groaned and grumbled through the drive. According to her not much was lost in the fire – six months since she moved out of her father's house to live alone is not enough time to transfer all work valuables but the perfect time to get attached to a house. Unbelievable! "Where am I going to live now? I can't be driving from the house to the office every day. It's like a 4-hour drive." When her parents didn't respond she looked at them worried. "You might not like the idea but it's all we've got for now." Her dad said. "Dennis' son has a place closer to your work. We've arranged for you to live there." He rushed through. "Who is Dennis?" She asked. "Uncle Den." As soon as the name registered everything changed. "No! I hate his guts! Not uncle Den – no, never. I love him but his son I mean. What's his name again? Nathan? William? Thomas? Nathaniel? Well whatever it is, I am not staying with him. Aren't you worried that he might die at my hands? I mean, like, don't I have any other option?" Never had they heard her say this much in one breath. "Hunny, I'm afraid we have no other options. Just try not to kill him okay." Her mother encouraged. She opened her mouth to object but closed it soon after. "Okay." She slumped in the back seat, not thrilled by this news.

          The day she dreaded most had arrived. Today, she moves in with the beast. She drove, following behind her parent's car. They had just entered a very beautiful gated urban community. Each house looked so beautifully well planned right down to the paint colour and the colour of the doors and gates. Anyone would go to extremes to live here. This particular house stood secluded. Something about it made you want to just stop and stare. Her parents entered that driveway and she followed. They alighted and went to check if he was around before giving her the green light. They came out and confirmed she could go in. They were just going to leave her to face him alone. She watched as they drove away, speechless. She stood in front of the door having some sort of internal battle with herself. 'Should she knock or she should just walk in? Should she wait for him to come out or? As she was about to knock, the door flew open and before her stood a half-naked man. She stared at him stunned; from his damp messy hair, to the checkered shorts, right down to his toned hairy legs then back to his chocolate coloured eyes which were already taking-in her appearance. Her signature messy bun, held up in a silver band, completed with a simple grey top and some dark blue jeans overall. "I thought you had been kidnapped. Why are you spending so much time outside like that? Though, I am a hundred percent okay with that." He spoke with a slight smirk. She on the other hand did not look moved at all. "welcome." He said and walked away to God knows where. She just sighed, said a short prayer and walked in. "You have grown into a nice young lady. Leila." He stated out of the blue. "And you are as annoying as I still remember." She responded. "Ouch!" He placed his hand on his chest. "No need for that Leila, if you have a crush on me all you have to do is say it." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. She immediately responded with a frown. He laughed and said, "follow me." She assumed they were going to the room she'd be staying in. They stopped in front of a door and he pointed towards it. "Enjoy." With that he turned on his heels and entered the room before hers. He didn't even ask to help with her bags – what a gentleman. A few minutes later and she was done unpacking. Tired, she changed and took a warm shower. She allowed the water to massage her body oblivious to the sound of her room door opening. She stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel loosely around herself before stepping out of the bathroom, only to meet a totally different man. The mess she met before was now groomed with a perfectly fitted suit and a well combed hair. His eyes scanned her towel-covered body, lingering on her legs and her thighs where the towel couldn't fully cover. Slowly a smirk made its way onto his lips. "Wipe that smirk off your face Nathaniel! What are you even doing here!" She crossed her hands as she held onto her towel tightly. He looked back at her and answered, "Just checking to see if you were settled, seems like my timing is perfect." His eyes scanned her again. "I wouldn't mind passing by every time if it means seeing you like this." He smirked. "Get out Nathaniel! Out!" She commanded, throwing her hand in the direction of the door. "Chill or you might just blow that towel off." He winked and walked out before she could utter a word. Did it even bother her that he didn't say why he was so dressed up? Whatever, she didn't care. She's not here to monitor his whereabouts. 

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