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            I can't believe it. I actually survived five days with this guy! Though a few times the opportunity presented itself to just end him but I contemplated. It would be better if he died in a freak accident than me murdering him. His numerous mistresses might come after me and hunt me down. I skipped down the stairs, my pony tail dancing along. I turned at the end and immediately bumped into Nathaniel. He was shirtless so his broad chest and toned abs were on full display. "Baby girl." He snapped his fingers. "Eyes up here." "Oh please." I rolled my eyes. "Why are you shirtless anyways?" "I heard it's an easy sure way to make a girl fall in love with you." He answered. "Oh really? And how is that working out for you?" I folded my arms. "I think I'm making progress." He moved a step closer but I stood in my spot. He moved again. This time I moved back. He continued till I was trapped between him and the wall. "Join me in the pool." I was about to object when he spoke up. "I'm not taking no for an answer. You need to let loose." I shook my head but he ignored. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along. After about five minutes of me standing in the grass and watching him swim around in the pool he finally came out to talk to me some more. "Come on Leila. Or, don't tell me you're shy. Or maybe you're just too chicken to actually get in." He teased. "Excuse me?" He only looked at me from the side and shrugged. He got to me. I huffed and immediately took of my clothes and went into the water. At the sound of the water he turned to the pool. "Now was that so hard was it?" He smirked and entered the pool. "Shut up! It's freezing. I'm getting out." I made an attempt to get out but he stopped me. "Wait, wait. Stay a while." He pouted and begged. "No. Nathaniel the water is cold. I'll get..." I stopped myself before saying anything he didn't need to know. It almost happened with the flour incident. I tried to break free from his hold. "Oh come on Leila, please." Out of the blue he stared tickling me. If you want me to do your will just tickle me. I'm that kind of person, very ticklish. "Nate stop, stop, stop." I laughed and struggled in the pool. The water splashed like no one's business. "Nate. Please." I struggled to get the words out. "Just say you'll spend the rest of the time with me." He said. "No I –." I lost my footing in the pool but before I could fall Nathaniel grabbed my waist. We just stayed in that position staring at each other. He helped me find my footing just as he began to close the distance but he stopped. I can't believe how easy my senses could betray me. I crashed my lips into him and immediately he responded. His arms tightened around my waist pulling me so close that there was no space between us.

Suddenlywe heard a loud whistle followed by a dramatic 'damn'. We broke apartimmediately. "Oh no, don't stop because of us. Please, carry on. We'll give yousome privacy." I don't know how that made me chuckle but it did. "Oh goodness."I mumbled. "We didn't hear you come in." Nathaniel said. "Well duh. With youclearly occupied how would you expect to hear us come in." "Who are those." Iwhispered to Nathaniel. "Friends. Say hi." He chuckled at me." I turned aroundand met three equally amazing looking men. "Hi." I said to all three of them."Well, the face definitely fits THAT body." One of them said. "Thanks?" I triedto give a cool smile. "My pleasure. I'm Aaron." He smirked. "Leila." He noddedand went to sit on one of the benches. I looked to the other two. "I'm Anthonyand he's Pete." "Nice to meet you." Pete nodded. "We will be waiting inside."Anthony said. I turned to Nathaniel and slapped his arm hard. "What the hell!Why didn't you tell me you were expecting visitors?" I shrieked. "Slipped mymind?" He shrugged. "Bullshit!" I climbed out of the pool and took a towel todry myself. "If anyone had told me that Leila Simmons, ruthless business tycooncould become shy, I'd shoot the person without thinking twice." He looked at meamused. "Oh just zip it." I turned and left. Leaving Nathaniel laughing hisheart out. After drying my hair, I went back downstairs to properly meet theguys." I entered amidst laughter but it slowly died down as soon as my presencewas known. "Leila Simmons. The Leila Simmons." Anthony said. "Nice toofficially meet you." I said. "I knew you looked familiar." Aaron added. "Justhard to recognize you when well..." He cleared his throat and added. "half ofyour clothes were off." That earned him a slap to the back of his head by Pete."Ouch!" "Okay that's enough." Nathaniel stepped in. I gave him a look but hekilled it when he added, "for now." I shook my head. "What? Too shy to speak?"What was he trying to do? "You wish. Just saving your egotistic head from beingdeflated to the size of that grape in your hand." I arched my eye brow at him."I like her!" Aaron chuckled. "Please, sit, join us." He pulled a chair for me."I wish I could, but I have to rush out. Maybe when you visit again." I pickedmy keys from the counter. "Where to?" Nathaniel asked curiously. "Business asusual. See you guys later. It was nice meeting you. "Bye." They all responded,except for Pete who only waved."

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