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Leila's POV

            The next day I woke up to some loud banging. I hated it when I wake up abruptly like, that it made me moody. With annoyance lingering within me, I marched downstairs in my nightgown only to enter the kitchen and find no other person than the obvious fool banging the frying pan against the counter. "Hey!" I yelled, trying to get his attention. Bang...bang...bang...bang... "Hey! Hey! HEY! NATHANIEL!!!" That got his attention. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked annoyed. "This is supposed to be a non-stick pan." That was all he said and immediately went back to hitting the pan against the counter. The annoyance level flew through the roof as I marched to his side and snatched the pan out of his hand. "So help me I won't hesitate to slap you with this pan if you don't quit it." I said holding the pan mid-air, ready to attack. "But that's my breakfast!" He said in frustration. "I don't care! Find something else to eat!" I threw the pan aside and turned my attention back only to find him staring at me. "I could think of something else to eat." He wiggled his eyebrows and a mischievous smile spread across his face. "Ugh gross! Grow up Nathaniel! Nasty!" I scowled at him and I turned to go back to sleep. "Oh come on, you don't look so bad." He reached for my hand but I moved away. "Ew! Please stop!" I said. "Besides..." He continued. "Shut up! Okay! If it's breakfast you want, I'll make you something but please just shut up!" I gave up. "Thank you! That was all I wanted." He had an accomplished look on his face and smiled triumphantly. I shook my head at him. "I see you're still skillful in the art of manipulation." I started to move to the fridge, planning what to make for him in my mind. "Whatever do you mean?" He placed his palm on his chest and battered his eyelashes like those contestants in a child's pageant. A few minutes later and he was smiling like a child on Christmas. "See, that's why I love you." He beamed. I rolled my eyes. "Yh right. Let me bring any girl I see and I bet that's what you'll tell her. Just don't go near the stove." I turned on my heels and went back upstairs. After checking the time, I rushed to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes later and I was dressed and ready. I went back downstairs just in time to see Nathaniel curiously hovering over the stove and pans, so I snuck behind him and slapped the back of his head. "Ouch!" He spun so quickly, nearly knocking me down. "What did I tell you!" I scolded. "Can you blame me for wanting to recreate what you did?" He frowned in a cute way. "Aww, well," I pretended like I was about to give him hope. "unless Niagara Falls dries up, this the first and last time." I shrugged and walked to the fridge. "How can I be angry with you while you look like that." I looked at him in disbelief. This guy doesn't know when to stop. "Well, if you want your hands on this, you're going to have had to be a really good architect." I walked out, leaving an amused man in the kitchen. He also walked out just when I was about to open the front door. "No wait!" It took him too long to warn me. I had opened the door and immediately got blinded by lights and camera flashes.

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