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Nate's POV

The sad look on her face as she spoke made my heart hurt so much, I couldn't stand it anymore so I hugged her. No words, no stopping her. She has to get it all out of her system. She cried till she fell asleep. Hopefully she'll sleep well. She looked so hurt just lying in my arms. Her fading bruises didn't make her any less beautiful. My phone started vibrating, interrupting my train of thoughts. I carefully picked it, making sure not to wake her. "Aaron." I greeted him. "Meet us outside. We are at the back." He simply said. "Okay." I hanged up and looked at Leila, she was still fast asleep. I slipped out of bed and quietly made my way out. Aaron was outside at the back like he said, with Anthony and Pete. "Guys." I greeted them. When I got to Pete I paused. "I'm sorry. I jumped to conclusion without thinking and got you hurt. Thank you also. Leila told me what you did for her." I stretched out my hand and he shook it without hesitation. "Don't worry about it. I know what she means to you, we all do. I wouldn't make a move on her. Besides, I have Maura." He smiled at the mention of her name. "So we're cool?" I asked. "Definitely!" We both shared a hug and took our seats. "So any update?" I threw the question to the guys, Anthony and Aaron mostly. "Yes. Our suspect has been linked to Leila's and Pete's kidnapping." Aaron answered. "Who is it?" Pete asked. I already had a hunch. "Joe. Right." I said. Aaron and Anthony nodded in confirmation. "You're kidding right?" Pete asked shocked. Our silence told him we weren't joking. "Isn't he the one obsessed with Leila? Does she know?" "No she doesn't. I'll find a way to tell her." I said. "He couldn't have pulled the whole thing off on his own though." Anthony pointed out. I thought so too. "We questioned him and he said someone called Sarah gave him the idea." Aaron continued. I had heard that name from Leila before. She's going to be devastated.

Leila's POV (2 days later)

When I woke up I was alone. Maybe he left to do something. I've been at home for the past two days. We tried to keep everything that happened on the down low, away from the media but people had other plans. We needed the whole I got kidnapped thing to fade into old news. Nate and I have been sleeping on the same bed since I came home. Sometimes we used my room and other times his. We've grown closer than ever before. My favorite times with his is at midnight when I can't sleep and we talk – or he talks, till I fall asleep. He could either read a book to me or tell me about one of his architect stories and experiences. I freshened up and went to look for him. When I got to the kitchen, he wasn't there. I went to his office, he wasn't there. I went to the library, nothing. Finally, I found him, he was in the backyard, sitting on one of the benches in front of the pool – the exact bench I was sitting on when I got kidnapped. I tip-toed to him and hugged him from the back. His next move surprised me. He giggled. Like an actual giggle. It was cute. "You're up already." "Yes. I got bored and tired of sleeping and resting." I walked around and took a seat beside him. "We need to talk." His tone went serious. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "Leila we found the person behind you and Pete's kidnapping." I waited for him to continue. "It was Joe." "What?! It couldn't have been. I don't think he has the mind to pull it off." "You're right. It wasn't his plan. Sarah gave him the plan, he just executed it." When I wasn't saying anything he looked at me. "Nathaniel, I have a friend called Sarah..." his look told me everything. "No!" I got up abruptly. "No Nate. She is my friend! Why...what did I do to her." I couldn't believe what he just told me. "Leila, we questioned him. His mind isn't in the right place, at all. I don't know if you're aware but he no longer works for his parents. They fired him. The company he tried to start went into bankruptcy. If he were to marry you he could find a way to keep his business afloat. He's already obsessed with you, a bit overboard if you heard the way he spoke. He said he was going crazy when you rejected him and that if he couldn't have you then no one would. He confirmed that he had a secrete affair with Sarah and she was helping him out financially but when it was getting too much she pitched the idea to him to kidnap you. He just got greedy and took Pete also." Everything Nate said kept shocking me. "Leila, you are one of the richest woman in the business world – well, you just hit number one." I walked to the edge of the pool, completely overwhelmed. "I can't believe this. He's sick, he needs medical help. So what happens now." I asked. "He's in custody now and is giving up all those who aided in the kidnapping. As for Sarah, warrant has been issued for her arrest as an accomplice in the kidnapping." I needed time to soak all this in.

"Come with me Leila." He spoke up after a moment of silence. "Where to?" I asked. "Anywhere but here. Let's leave this place. Take a trip, go site seeing, explore. We both need a deserving break." I smiled at the thought. "I like that." "We leave first thing tomorrow." He announced. "What, we haven't even planned where to go to." "No need to worry about that. I've got everything figured out. I even got your parents on board with everything." I turned to face him. "When did you plan this and got my parents on board?" "Honey, When I want something, I get it perfectly done." He winked. I smiled and shook my head. This charming guy. Without warning he planted a kiss on my lips. The feeling was so different but familiar. He hugged me as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Suddenly there was a loud horn, like those ones in the cans. We both got startled. I lost my footing and slipped into the pool but not before taking Nate down with me. As soon as we resurfaced a chorus of laughter erupted. "You guys really get locked out of reality when you are together." An all too familiar voice spoke. "Hello as well Pete. What a unique way to announce your presence." Nate got out and helped me out. "Just like the first time we met. Right Leila?" Aaron said. There was this trace of satisfaction in his voice. "That's right Aaron." Two towels came flying in our direction. "Thanks Anthony." "So are you two lovebirds ready? Because Maura and I can go back." It was then that I noticed Maura standing in the doorway. She waved at us and we waved back. The next few minutes consisted of a bunch of grown men running about trying to pack for a trip. By evening, we were on our private flight, off to our destination – which I had no clue off, but I was happy all the same. This trip should help clear our minds, we deserve that at least. All we can do now is hope for the best and just be careful.

Thank You for coming this far! I hope you enjoyed this book. Let me know if you want a part two!

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