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Leila's POV

It's been like 3, 4 or 5 days but it feels like more. One of the days one of the guys brought me some water, it was like a sip and that was all. As the seconds drag to minutes, minutes drag to hours, I prayed for the day I – now we – would get rescued to arrive. My whole body ached, I felt weak, breathing is even hard to do at this point. I neglected the bed the first night and made myself comfortable on the floor. Someone knocked on the door and when he entered his face was covered. "Hello dear, by now I'm sure you've met your friend next door. See, I brought you company. By then I was standing up and leaning on the wall for support. "Hopefully you'll be more cooperative." He moved forward and ended up cornering me. Honestly I didn't care anymore. He knelt down to my level and brushed my cheek, putting a few hair strands behind my ear. His hand travelled to the shoulders then down my arm. I tried to shrug it off but he didn't stop. He started bringing his face closer to mine. When it was going too far I pushed him away with the little strength I had left, which wasn't much. "Please stop." I said so faintly I wasn't sure if he heard me. He ignored me and kept touching my body. I whimpered, fearful for what was going to happen. I refuse to let myself get abused like this. "Stop!" I started to swing my arms in his face, anything to get him off me. He ignored and this time he trapped my hands. He took a black cloth from his pocket and tied my eyes. I didn't understand why he was doing that until I felt him kiss my forehead. He wanted to take off his mask so he covered my face to avoid revealing his identity. "Stop!" With force I scratched him. He hissed and tightened his grip. He only got fueled and continued roaming my body. I screamed but he wasn't moved. "Stop! Stop it!" If I wasn't in so much pain and had more energy, I would have fought harder than this. "Stop!" I screamed with all my might. This screaming was getting nowhere, it only made things worse. Pete figured out what was going on and started pounding on the wall and calling out to me, in hopes that he will stop what he was doing. "Leila! LEILA!" He never gave up. Just when I thought the worst was yet to happen there was a loud thud that filled the place then so quickly you could hear a fight breaking out from outside. That got his attention. Frustrated, he moved back and shoved me to the floor. I hugged myself, crying from the shock and pain. Pete continued to bang on the wall and call my name but all I could do was remain on the floor. I don't know the cause of the commotion but it was getting louder. There were gun shots and yelling and running. Pete's calls stop then I heard someone say "the other room."

My door suddenly flew open and Pete came rushing to my side. "Leila?" He pulled the blindfold off my eyes but I couldn't respond, I was too shocked. He picked me up bridal style, so delicately, like I was going to break if he made any wrong move. "Where are we going?" I managed to ask. "Home, Leila." That word, 'home', made some form of relief settle over me. Guns were still being fired. The yelling didn't calm down either. I trusted the hands I was in so I wasn't bothered about getting hit by a bullet. With every single step he took I shook, reminding me of the pain I was feeling. When we finally got outside, I was blinded by the brightness. I winced in pain as the movement continued. From a distance I thought I heard the voice I've been longing for. Before I knew it I was in the arms of another. It felt warm so I folded further into his arms. "Take her and go. I'll follow behind. Whatever happens, leave with her." Pete said. I heard another female voice then Pete said something. I looked at him and saw him heading back inside. "Leila..." He whispered. I turned slowly to look at the owner of the voice, the one who carried me, the one in whose arms I felt warm. "Nate...Ouch!" The pain I was feeling made sure to remind me it wasn't to be forgotten. He started moving towards what I hope was the car. He carefully placed me into the car, not wanting to let me go. "We can't leave without Pete..." A lady said. "He's coming." Nate responded then suddenly there was a piercing scream. The lady was the one yelling and she was yelling for Pete. It happened so slowly, I turned my head to look outside since the passenger's door was still opened and in that moment everything froze as I saw Pete fall to the ground. "Maura! Stay in the car!" Nathaniel told the lady. She started sobbing uncontrollably, fighting the urge to run to Pete. The passenger's door closed but not before two men dressed in camouflage run to help him. When Nathaniel started to drive away I knew that Pete was in safe hands, but he was shot.

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