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            He rushed to my side, pulled me in and shut the door, silencing the noise of the news team outside. "Lils are you okay?" His hand was around my waist. It's been a while since anyone called me by that name. "What was that?" I asked still trying to adjust my eyes. He removed his hand and scratched the back of his head. "Maybe, in the heat of the moment I was checking you out, I may have forgotten to tell you about them." HE smiled sheepishly. "You think!" I gave him a bored expression. "Why do you think I'm still here?" He asked. "I don't know! Your day off!" I yelled at him. "Really?" He asked. "What!? I may not be wrong." He rolled his eyes. "Well you can't go out." "Why?" I asked. "For a smart girl you ask some really stupid questions. Here." He handed me today's paper. The headline alone was eye popping. 'Playboy finally settles down'. Then under it they had added more spices. 'Or is it just another one of his mistresses who stayed too long'. My eyes bulged. "Nathaniel!" I screamed from shock. "I'll kill you!" He dashed to the hall but I followed on his tail. He went around the couch then up the stairs to his room then back downstairs. I don't know how he's so swift. 'I'm definitely going to rip his head off'. I thought as I chased him. I decided I was tired of running so when he was close enough I jumped on him and we both fell to the ground. Sometime after struggling I ended up pinned to the carpet and out of breath. He looked at me, a little out of breath before his eyes darted down. I didn't know what he was looking at until I realized that in the course of our struggle and house chase, one of my buttons came off exposing some cleavage. His eyes darted back to mine and they were filled with desire. He looked at my slightly opened mouth and just crashed his lips into mine. I was shocked at first but I don't know what came over me when I relaxed into his kiss. Suddenly becoming conscious I broke the kiss, pushed him off me and stood up. I bit the side of my lip and broke the silence. "That shouldn't have happened." I was trying to make sense of what I just did. "But it did, and we both liked it." He rose his eyebrows. "So no going out, right." I quickly changed the topic. "Let me know when they leave." Without waiting for a response, I turned towards the library to get away from him and to try to work from home. I closed the door and relaxed my weight on it exhaling a breath I was holding in. What the hell just happen? I paced around the room trying to figure out what just happened. I went to the desk to work but for two hours all I could get done was nothing because that guy just had to go and kiss me.

Around 11am I got hungry, like stomach-growling hungry. I hadn't eaten before my failed attempt at leaving for work. I walked to the door and placed my ear on it – what on earth am I doing? I opened the door and walked out and only prayed that I would not see Nathaniel. A bit crazy, I know, considering the fact that we live together. I tip-toed down the hallway towards the kitchen. So far so good, no sign of him just yet. I reached the kitchen successfully. All my time in the kitchen, I tip-toed, making sure to make the least sound as possible. This is the most ridiculous thing I have had to do my whole life. 10 more minutes, that's all I ask for. Just 10 minutes, but obviously, fate was not working in my favour. I tip-toed back to the pantry and just when I was about to shift the bag of flour to its proper place I got startled causing me to jerk and we all know what happens next. My sweet-sweet perfectly styled hair and my favourite pair of black jeans! "Oh my God!" I turned to face the figure at the doorway. "Were you trying to sneak around?" He folded his arms and rested his weight on the door. "Are you kidding me? Seriously! This just happened..." I flared my arms. "...and, and that is the question you chose to ask?" I coughed. He shrugged lazily as a response. I grunted in annoyance. "Unbelievable! Just so you know, the rate at which you irritate me just rose ten times higher." I coughed again and stormed out of the pantry. Before I could climb the stairs to my room he stopped me. "Hey Lils wait, come on." He grabbed my arm, I snatched it away but still turned. "What? And don't call me that." "Look, I'm sorry okay." I scoffed at him and shook my head. I turned to my room, ignoring his calls behind me.

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