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Leila's POV

My eyes flew opened when I heard a loud bang, like a gate opening and closing, followed by struggles. I tried to pay attention, to hear what was happening. It sounded like the room next to me opened and then the struggling seized. Suddenly, my door flew opened, making contact with the wall. That unexpectedness made me jump, I stumbled back as I made eye contact with the man who opened the door. He had an angry expression and the look he gave me told me he thought I was trying to run away again. His eyes darkened and he started to walk towards me in a prey and predator manner. I shook my head vigorously, trying to explain to him that I wasn't trying to escape but he wouldn't give me a chance. Once again he hit me across my face. I screamed and fell to the ground. I don't think I'm the sole reason for this. He was already angry and took it out on me. I could feel the sting on my face. I tasted a little bit of blood too. I tried to scamper away as he advanced towards me. When there was no more room for me to run to he grabbed me and threw me against the wall. 'Was I that easy to throw about?' At this point, I think I cracked some bones. My whole body started to hurt. Silent tears started streaming down my face. I couldn't swallow the pain anymore. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "You mean attacking you? Well your stupid friend just pissed me off so I'm taking it out on you." He said effortlessly. "Please. If it's money you want fine, but please, stop." I pleaded with whatever energy I had left. He laughed heartily. "Oh I'm definitely getting money. According to my sources, you and your group of friends are worth billions. People will do just about anything for you especially." He stared at my face and finally let me go. I guess he realized it won't be any good if I die here. He got a call and stormed out.

The pain that was coursing through my body was too overpowering. I haven't eaten or drank any water, my system is practically empty. I started gasping for air as my heart race increased. Then fear set in. This is not how I want my life to end. I laid on the floor, making sure my back was flat against the floor. I closed my eyes trying to clear my mind. 'Who is going to help me now?' Suddenly I felt this sharp pain attack my chest. Without second thought I yelped in pain. Now I think I'm starting to lose my mind because I heard my name being called. I started sobbing and taking in short breaths when my name was called again, this time clearer. "Leila! Leila!" There is was again. "Pete?" This sort of relief came to me. Relief that I was not going to die not having anyone by my side, relief that I could hear a familiar voice. "Pete..." My eyes began to feel heavy, my voice became faint. "Leila," he paused. "Leila listen, please listen, everything will be fine. Please fight this. Please try and calm down, try and normalize your breathing. Think of something positive. The guys are going to get you out of here just fight, please." Hearing his voice gave me hope. I started to calm down. "Pete, did they hurt you?" I asked, as I laid on the floor. "I should be asking you that question." I could just imagine him shaking his head. "I'm fine, just some slight headache." He responded. "I really hope I'm not just imagining all of this." I said, making him chuckle. I smiled inwardly. If only he knew the silent tears that was streaming down my face. "Leila, did they hurt you?" After hearing his question, I didn't know what to say. By my silence he knew the answer already. I heard his throw a punch to the wall in anger. "I'll be fine Pete." I started crying, I don't even know why. All I know is that I am exhausted, mentally, physically and emotionally. I have a thousand things going through my mind at the same time nothing - if that is possible. I think Pete heard me crying. "Leila, the asthma will act up again. I don't know if you've been fed or given water to drink but I'm sure you're weak. You probably have nothing in you to help your system fight. You are stronger than you think." I remained silent as he spoke. "Please, however intense the pain, please fight...for all of us, for Nate..." Then I felt it. It was as if rods were being pushed into my body; my chest, my arms, my head, all over. I didn't have time to process. I tried to call to Pete but it came out as strained whispers. "I'm sorry." That was all I could say before everything went dark.

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