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            Pete and I had spent more hours talking and getting to know each other more. We were seated in the kitchen when the door burst open, sounding throughout the house. We exchanged looks and rushed out to see what was going on. When we left the kitchen we met Nathaniel and the others arguing. He was angry pacing up and down. His friends were trying to calm him down but it didn't seem to be working. I looked at them and they all had worried expressions. Finally deciding to find out what was going I asked a question. "What is going on?" Anthony was about to explain when Nathaniel beat him to it. "I'm going to kill him! With no second thoughts! I'm going to kill him! That bastard!" He slammed his fist on the entryway table. "I don't think you really mean that. Please calm down Nathaniel and tell me what's going on." I tried to calm him down. "Oh you have no idea love!" Did he just call me love? That doesn't sound like someone calming down. "Anthony? Aaron?" I tried to get an explanation from the rest. "So we went for a meeting for a major contract and partnership but things didn't quite go well as planned." Anthony started to explain. I still didn't understand the situation. "That stupid boyfriend of yours ruined everything, lied and stole my contract!" Nathaniel blurted out, rage lanced with every word. "I should have done more than beat him up!" "He's not my boyfriend." I said in annoyance. "And you fought with him?" I frowned registering what he said. "Whatever! I don't care! I am going to kill him. You know him so you can let him know that." He turned to Anthony. "Those useless lawyers, you can let them know that they are fired!" "I think you should calm down." I stepped towards him. "Oh wow, very supportive coming from you!" His words shocked me. Pete tried to talk to him but he ignored him too. "What on earth do you mean by that?" I said it so calm that I surprised myself. "Sure, act like you don't know. I just told you what your lover boy did and you're here telling me to calm down!? I'm a hundred percent sure he did this because of you. You're the one he desires so much he'd stoop so low. All you! No other selfish, attention seeking person but," "Enough!" I screamed out! How could he say such hurtful things to me? He was here when Joe came and I dismissed him so how can he accuse me and say things like that? Now we're both angry. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I just shook my head and left. I entered my room and slammed the door. I didn't care what was going on downstairs anymore. Tears started streaming down my face as I paced up and down the room.

After some time, I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't. My breathing became heavier and I got scared. Why can't I calm down? I started coughing still trying to calm down. The room started to spin. I found my way to the bathroom when someone knocked. "Come in." I said but not loud enough. I lost my footing and stumbled to the ground. "Leila?" Pete called out softly. In an attempt to answer I started coughing again. My chest started to ache and my eyes got teary. I tried my best to make a sound to get help and it worked. Pete rushed into the bathroom. "Leila!" He propped my back while calling out to me. "Leila! Calm down, try to breath! Where's your inhaler?" I shook my head trying to tell him I didn't have one. I was getting really scared. My chest was starting to tighten, it hurt so bad. The tears started streaming down my face. "Hold on." He lifted me and left my room. "Guys! Guys!" He yelled as he carried me downstairs and placed me on the couch. They all started coming around. After he placed me on the couch he was about leave but I held his hand. I didn't want him to leave me. He noticed and instead sent one of the guys. "Get a clean towel or napkin and honey." The tears streamed down more. I coughed some more. "What's happening to her?" I wailed in pain and shook my head, holding Pete's hand tighter. That I was having an attack must stay between us. "She's having a breakdown." He understood and covered up for me. He held the towel with honey spread on it to my nose and told me to inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. I did as I was told for like five times then things started to calm. I started to relax. I closed my eyes, then this wave of exhaustion settled on me. I allowed myself to be carried away and gave into the exhaustion.

I took a long breath and opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was that I was back in my room. I looked to the side and saw Pete asleep. He looked uncomfortable yet so relaxed. I got out of bed and sat beside him. The shift woke him up and when he saw me he smiled. He opened his arm and hugged me. I felt his concern through the hug. "Where's everyone?" I asked him. "I told Anthony and Aaron to go home and this is Nate's place so he's in his office or room or somewhere in the house." He shrugged. "Thanks you." I smiled at him. "You scared me! You shouldn't have stressed yourself so much." I gave him a concerned smile. "You worry too much Pete." I huffed. "I guess I've found myself a big brother. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. "What time is it?" I looked at him. "Just a few minutes past 8." He said nonchalantly. "What? A.M right?" He chuckled. "No, P.M." "Pete, you have to get home, rest, don't you have things to do or something?" I started sacking him. "Are you kicking me out?" He sounded hurt. "What! No Pete!" I whined. He laughed. "Don't worry, my lady will be fine at home..." He paused and looked at me. Slowly, a smile spread on my face. He knew what was coming next. I am not going to let this go. "Pete!!! Who is she!" I bounced excitedly in my seat. "Oh gosh!" He knew what he got himself into. "Her name is Maura. I'd let you meet her one day." He smiled at the mention of her name. "Okay, okay. But, I really think you need to rest. Thank you for staying with me and helping me." I hugged him once more. "I'll pass by tomorrow. I'll bring you an inhaler as well okay." "No. Pete, no. I don't need one." I objected firmly. I'm not going back to that. He just looked at me and shook his head, completely ignoring my objection. "Well, I'm bringing you one. I think Nate wants to talk to you." He smiled when he saw my expression. "You don't have to if you don't want to." I nodded. We finally left my room and walked outside. The cool breeze hit me, making me hug myself. I said goodbye and hugged him one last time. I stood outside and watched as his car drove away. I didn't want to go back inside just yet so I went round to the back and sat on the bench infront of the pool. I don't know how long I sat there for but after a while I felt someone behind me. "Leila." A coarse voice called out. I didn't even think about how the person sounded. "Nate, can't this wait till tomorrow? Please." My back was still facing him. "Oh, I'm afraid not babe." He responded. I frowned, that was odd. "What?" I looked back and the figure I saw was not of Nate's. I was petrified. Just as I was about to call for help a black clothed hand covered my nose. I tried to struggle but I was overpowered. I went unconscious.  

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