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            Right before I entered the car I remembered I had to pick up a file from the library so I quickly rushed back in. Making sure I made the least noise as possible, I rushed to the library. On my way out, something they were talking about drew my attention so I stopped. Okay, maybe I was eavesdropping. I moved closer to a spot where I got a peek at them but they couldn't see me, or at least I hoped they couldn't. "...the one you used to rattle about in school?" That sounded like Anthony. "The very one." Nathaniel replied. "Wow." They all chorused. "Yhup." Nathaniel said. "She has changed so much." Nathaniel added. "You mean she has grown into a very beautiful, attractive and elegant lady." Aaron added. "No, she's always been that way." Nathaniel responded. "So why haven't you told her yet?" That was the first time I heard Pete talk. I knew it was him because ii knew how the rest sounded. His voice reeked of mental maturity. "Pete, have you met the woman?" Aaron answered for Nathaniel. "It's not that simple. I just can't focus when she's around." Nathaniel said. "Have you at least tried? You've been crushing on her since your parents met each other." I believe that was Anthony. "If you're not careful you'll lose her." Pete added. "I agree." Aaron seconded. "See, one thing I've learnt from this whole love thing is that you'll never lose by loving. You'll always loose by holding back. Act quickly, before some other guy does. Who knows, she might feel the same way, if not more." I was momentarily blown away. That might have just been the wisest thing out of Aaron's mouth since he walked through the door. I realized they were moving, probably about to leave so I rushed out and hurriedly drove away. Hopefully, no one suspected I was eavesdropping.

I didn't tell Nathaniel exactly where I was going because I didn't want him to know that I was planning to restock his fridge and the little empty portions of the pantry, he'd refuse immediately. It's the least I could do to thank him. On my way back, I decided to pass by my burnt down house. It was getting late so the picture wasn't so clear but I noticed a little progress. The ruins had been cleared and a fresh foundation was being laid. I continued my drive around town until I found a good cafe and went to relax and enjoy myself. When I got home it was around 10:30pm. The gates were locked and I didn't know where he kept the keys or if he kept them around. I searched all the places outside the house I thought the key could be. It dawned on me that he didn't have any security guy, the other houses did. He should really get some security around here especially for moments like this. Maybe he and the guys thought they'd be back before me. After the search I called him but no response. After an hour of non-stop calling and texting I got tired of waiting and decided to take things into my own hands and get back at him.

Nathaniel's POV

After she left, the guys and I did some few planning till we got bored and decided to go for a drive. We took Aaron's 4x4 range rover. We planned to return before she did otherwise she'd be locked out but we got preoccupied and lost track of time. It didn't help when we got delayed by traffic on our way back. I only prayed that she would delay as well. It wasn't long after we left, while in traffic that I remembered my phone was around. I'm not known for having my phone always with me neither am I known for being reachable by phone calls and or texts. I picked it out from my pocket and saw 20 missed calls from Leila and a text message from an unknown number. "Oh no." I blurted out. "Guys I think Leila is home." I informed the guys. "But you have the keys." Aaron said. I looked at him wanting to hit his head. "Yes Aaron. Which means she is locked outside waiting for us." I prayed for the traffic to ease up so we could get home quickly. I checked the text and froze. "Nathaniel?" Pete called. "Nathaniel, what's wrong?" Pete is that friend that always knows how to read people well. He came closer and read the text. "What kind of sick joke is this?" He asked. The rest were curious so he read the text out loud. "This is a joke right?" My heart felt like it would jump out any time soon. I called Leila but it didn't go through.

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