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            I went straight to the bathroom and started stripping down. When I came out my skin was white and wrinkly. I was combing my hair when there was a knock at my door. "Leila?" He stood by the door. When I didn't respond he continued. "Leila, look, I'm sorry okay." I turned to look at him and turned back. "Not only for the flour thing but the kiss." He said the latter part slowly. "I overstepped my boundaries and I'm sorry. Please say something." He paused. I sighed. "Don't worry. It's fine." He nodded and turned but stopped. "I'll be going out soon. The news crews are not gone yet." He said. "But I can handle them. I'll lock the front door just for precautions." My eyes widened at his last statement. "What do you mean by precautions?" "Sometimes, they break-in and stuff." He made it sound totally normal. "Right, perfectly normal stuff." I said sarcastically but he didn't catch on. "Exactly! See, it's all cool now." I shook my head at him. "I'll be back soon." He smiled. "Alright." A few minutes later after he left I sat behind the desk in my room. I opened my laptop and didn't get far into work when I received a video call. "Hi b!" My longtime friend smiled at me showing her full set of pearl-white teeth. "Sarah! Hi!" I beamed. "Oh babe, I heard the news. I wish I could be there but work calls. I hope you're fine?" She asked. "Yeah, I'm peachy but if –" I got cut off. "Hey I ran into Joe a few weeks ago..." I froze for a brief moment. "He said he meant to call but time wasn't favourable." She added. "Right." I wasn't sure how to take that or respond or how that even affected me. "But don't worry, I'll tell him you're alright." I opened my mouth to speak but got cut off again. "Oh dear I have to go. It was nice talking to you. Bye." She waved. "Bye." I didn't fully end when the line got disconnected. I doubt she even heard me. That conversation was so off and weird. Since when did they start talking to each other so casually. Something I don't quite understand. "Oh Joe, Joe, Joe...wait! Since when did Sarah start calling him Joe. She said she hated that name." I huffed and shook my head. Tired of my room, I decided to show myself around. So far I had explored the library, kitchen, hall, game area, the mini bar, the backyard – well one fourth of it, and the garden. It was now 5pm and I was till alone at home.

Thenews teams finally left and the silence of the house settled in once more. Itook my phone and tab and sat on one of the benches in the garden. A fewminutes later my phone started to ring. "Mum?" I said when I picked. "Heydarling. What would you prefer, wallpaper or paint?" She rushed out. "I'mcoping well mum. Nathaniel is still alive and how are you and dad?" I smiled tomyself. "Oh right! Sorry dear." She chuckled. "How's everything?" "Good. Whythat question though." I asked. "We're having a meeting with the teamrebuilding the house and I just wanted to be sure." "Oh okay. Can they not dothe same design they did. There are some clipping and pictures of what I wantin my room." I told her. "Why didn't you say that before!" She said sharply."You didn't inform me that you were meeting the team." I giggled. "I don'tblame you. Like father, like daughter." I could tell she was rolling her eyes."I love you too mum." "Love you dear." Then the line went dead. After the callI ended up falling asleep outside. The cool breeze made the sleep moreenjoyable. At some point it felt as if I was being carried but I was too intothe sleep to do anything. It wasn't until I came into contact with a softsurface before I opened my eyes lazily. "Nathaniel?" "Shh, just sleep." Hepulled the cloth over my body and brushed my cheek. That was the last thing Ifelt before I knocked on dreamland's door once again. 

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