Chapter 3

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~ The next morning at the hospital ~

Cormac POV:

Yesterday I finally kissed Meredith Grey. It must said that I have been waiting for this moment since I arrived at Grey Sloan. The kiss was exceptional, almost unbelievable magic. I thought after kissing someone after my wife died I would be terrified. However I feel normal, calm and happy to have finally had the courage to take the step with Meredith.
But I know she freaked out the minute where we drifted away to catch our breath. I don't know what to think about it. Surely she must not feel the same way I do. Surely she must not see the sparks in my eyes as I see her walk down the hall, staring at her until she is out of my line of sight. When I see her smile and I'm the only other fool around, like a child, smiling too and making myself look foolish to my coworkers. I'll have to go see her and ask her how she feels about the kiss. Maybe apologize...
I absolutely don't want her to distance herself from me, because I know that deep inside her, she also feels something for me, Cormac Hayes. Well, maybe this is just my imagination, maybe she doesn't even like me a little bit, maybe she only answers me out of kindness....
I shake my head and question myself. Cormac, go see her and shut up, I said to myself, talking to myself.
And that's how I see her pass by me without even looking. That's when I know she's ignoring me. So I decided to take her gently by the arm and take her to a on call room. I hear some protesting grunts from Meredith. But I'm not going to leave her alone. I want to have a discussion with her about what happened yesterday. Once I find an empty on call room, I bring her inside first and close the door behind me.
"What are you doing! I have a patient Hayes!" She said slightly annoyed. "I know you have nothing on your schedule this morning" I replied in a cynical way. "Are you spying on me now?" She's a little angry. Ah Meredith if you knew how long I have been spying on you you would have surely called the police, I said to myself. "I needed to talk to you." I respond by re-engaging the discussion. "I don't think we have anything to say to each other. What do you want to talk about? He... absolutely ... nothing ... happened," she said, insisting on her last words. And that's how I end, me too slightly bored. This woman is really too stubborn, if I didn't like her so much, I would have surely ended up fighting verbally in the hospital with her. "When are you gonna let me talk. Listen Meredith, what happened yesterday .... I, I liked what happened yesterday." I confessed. "Cormac, we're friends. I don't want to lose you, but if you feel anything for me you have to say it ... Because we will have to move away a little bit." She says being totally oblivious to how I feel about her. "Wait, Mer, what are you talking about? I mean ... I liked that yesterday we got closer!"
Fine Cormac, now you're lying to Grey! However, I was scared. Indeed, after listening to what she said about us both, I was afraid that she would decide to walk away from me if I told her that I started to see her more than as a friend. She sighs in relief "Ah, okay! For a moment I thought that .." she pauses for a little while then continues "You know what let it go! Cormac you really are my friend. You are borderline my best friend so ... Everything is in order ?" "Did you think I had feelings for you?" I answer by teasing and laughing. "Hey .. You say that like I'm loathsome!" She said laughing and slapping my chest with her tiny ineffective hands. I laugh with her. "No, don't worry Mer, you are beautiful." I say hoping that one day I will be able to have more than friendship with this woman. She smiled at my comment and said, "Thank you for wanting to sort this out. It would have gotten really weird between us otherwise ... I have to leave you, see you later!"
With these words she leaves the room, closing the door behind her. I sigh after the discussion. I don't know what to think about it. I wanted to tell him how much her laughter affects me. But unfortunately for me I am her best friend. I regain my emotions and force a smile on my face before I too leave the room.

Meredith POV:

As I leave the on call room I sigh in relief. I really thought our friendship would be destroyed after this kiss. It must be said that kissing Hayes was not horrible. But the situation would have become too weird. Yesterday's kiss was literally magical. But I want to be friends with Cormac. Indeed since his arrival at Gray Sloan, the beautiful gift sent by Cristina quickly became friends with me. We get along really well and I'm afraid a relationship with him will break our friendship.
So I decide for our good to pretend to be indifferent to his charms. But it must be said that when he took me by the arm to take me in the on call room my heart was racing. I had never felt this feeling since Derek died. And when he started to say he liked what happened yesterday, I just freaked out . So I made him understand that if he felt anything for me, we should walk away. And it was at the end of my sentence that I saw that his eyes became full of emotions.
My thoughts are interrupted when, without realizing it, I walk through the door of the attending lounge and meet my two sisters. Amelia starts the discussion: "I heard from nurses that you were in a on call room with your handsome Irishman!" She said this raising one of her eyebrows, teasing me with her half-shocked expression. Maggie agrees with Amelia's words: "Mer, what happened in this on call room?" I roll my eyes and sigh.
Then I answer slightly annoyed: "Hello, yes, don't worry, I'm fine today!" "Let's avoid politeness Mer, I want to know what happened!" Maggie responds as Amelia nods, approving the last words. I decide to quickly dress in work clothes while answering a minimum of their questions. When I finish dressing, I don't give them time to finish their sentences until I leave the room.
But, my two sisters don't want to let me get away with this and follow me closely. They look shocked that Cormac kissed me. I keep walking faster while heading to see the operations board. However, I bump into someone and start to fall backwards. This person is none other than Cormac. He puts his hands on my hips hoping to hold me against him. And that's how I find myself in front of the whole hospital, in Hayes's arms.
We stay in this position for longer than necessary. I had to run into him, after explaining everything to Maggie and Amelia !
I can feel the gaze of everyone on both of us. So I decide to walk away from him and thank him. He smiles back at me. I hear someone clear his throat behind me. I turn around and stand next to Cormac. I'm surprised to see Bailey and Richard standing next to each other, both hands on their hips. I smile nervously at them and watch Hayes do the same, at the same time. Bailey looks at us, one after the other, suspiciously before speaking in a loud and very unfriendly manner: "You don't mind doing your little romantic comedy in front of the whole hospital. We are in a university hospital! Here people are dying just as you are standing here in each other's arms! " Richard nods, keeping his hands on his hips, approving all of Miranda Bailey's words.
I'm not going to lie, I feel a strong urge to laugh. But I hold back for fear of making the situation worse. I know Bailey cares deeply about me and worries that I might be in pain. I have to say it's very cute to see. I really love these two people in front of me and I see them like parents I never had.
But I must admit that they are sometimes too protective and that they take their role too seriously. I look to my left to see that Hayes is also eager to laugh at the situation. I decide to speak: "Bailey, it didn't turn out that way. I just nearly fell and he caught up with me. That's nice of him!" I look at my two parental figures with a raised eyebrow. I see them relax.
However Bailey quickly resumed his speech: "Won't it be too hard for you two to do an operation without making your eyes soft ?! Omg I'm dreaming, my Head of General Surgery and Head of Pediatric Surgery doing inappropriate things in MY hospital. ! "
This time, I can't help but laugh. I notice Bailey and Richard soften at the sound of my laughter. Hayes remains surprisingly calm and silent. I think Bailey scared him. He finally said something: "What do we have?", "You would know if you came to get the tablet I have in my hands" Richard answers. "Richard!" I answer him by walking towards him and taking the tablet from him.
After a few more interactions, we finish, Cormac and I heading to the patient's room.


Here is a new chapter.
I apologize for not having published earlier.
However, right now with my classes it is complicated.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Feel free to tell me what you think about it.
I am very pleased to see that you are following my fiction. I was not expecting more than 10 people to read me.

Love you all <3

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