Chapter 5

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Meredith POV:

This morning, I decided to prepare myself early in order to leave without maggie and amelia and to avoid cormac.
Indeed last night we reproached each other a lot as friends and I do not know how this new day will be, I don't know how he will react and I don't know either if everyone in the hospital will notice it.
I noticed that a lot of nurses were talking to each other about the relationship Cormac and I would have and our intense, hot steamy sex sessions in my office. Of course this is all wrong but I don't know how Mac is going to take the thing may that there has been no relationship since his wife died and maybe feel bad and don't want to talk to me anymore.
I don't want our relationship to change, I feel good being close to him, teasing and cuddling us.
However, all my attempts to avoid him collapsed when I saw Cormac approaching me in front of the hospital. He comes closer to me, takes me by the hips and gives me a hug.
"Hello Mer, how are you today?" He said his chin resting on top of my head. "Hi Mac, how are you? How are you doing that early morning hug?", "It's so much better now, he replied tightening his grip on me, you know Mer friends hug each other, and we're friends, right? You told me that yesterday. I'm so disappointed not to be considered your BEST friend! " He ends his sentence by pretending to pout and I can't help but laugh.
I continue the discussion:
“You are my best, best, best, BEST friend Mac!” I said, shifting slightly from his chest and gently pinching both his cheeks.
He doesn't seem to like this gesture as he suddenly decides to grab my hips again and spin me in the air. I can't help but scream and laugh at the same time. And of course to implore him to leave me alone!
Now we are the center of everyone's attention. Most surgeons or nurses look at us surprised or with a smirk. And of course everyone whispers wondering about our current status.
Cormac decides to rest me on the floor and whispers in my ear with a smirk:
"I heard we fuck in every room in the hospital. So what do you say? You want me to show you my skills in front of everyone, that could silence them forever!"
I widen my eyes and lower my head, blushing slightly:
"You dream of it, right?" I replied, laughing. He laughs with me while purposely blowing close to my ear giving me a slight chill. I shake my head before I think of some very inappropriate things about Cormac.
He decides to tease me again:
"You're trying to say no to me but your body is saying something else Meredith!"
I hit him on the shoulder and we finally walk into the hospital feeling all eyes on us… again.
Hayes gets a call and we say goodbye. For my part, since I have no surgery today, I go to the laboratory to try to find a "revolutionary" idea.
However, I can't concentrate. Indeed, I can't get Mac out of my head. I know our friendship is much more different than my other friendships and I couldn't explain it. I feel a lot more comfortable with him, a lot more secure and a lot happier. I must admit that for the past few months, I have felt much more fulfilled and smiling. And Cormac Hayes is surely the reason. I don't know if our friendship is really one or if this friendship is somehow a kind of repressed love story ...
Nonetheless during a chat with Mac, I learned that he wanted to move on.

But was it some sort of statement or just an admission to his closest friend since arriving at Grey-Sloan?
What if this friendship turned into more than that, could I let the idea go?
Could I develop feelings towards Cormac?
Do I have feelings towards him? I don't know...

Finally, almost two or three hours later, I didn't have any answers to my questions and I developed a headache.
I decide to go get myself a coffee when we are all paged in the hospital lobby so that Bailey can talk to us.
When I arrive on the famous lobby, I notice that I am the last to arrive. I saw Hayes come closer to me, handing me my favorite coffee. I smile at him tenderly and sip it.
I'm not gonna lie, I haven't listened for a single second of what Bailey has to say. I was too busy torturing my mind with unanswered questions and increasing my headache. I know the speech is over when I hear applause and I choose to join them in order to avoid suspicion.
Soon everyone returns to their occupations. I decide to call Cormac who seems to be in the clouds. He does not answer. I go get a bottle of cool water and sprinkle it very briefly in order to bring it back to reality. I laugh when Hayes jumps up and looks at me with big widens eyes.
But he doesn't seem to have enjoyed this little shower since he crosses his arms and doesn't look at me anymore. He adds with a sad expression:
"I don't know you", "Don't play smart with me, you're stuck with me. You can't be two minutes away from me!" I replied with a little ironic and superior air.
He comes closer to me to talk to me and I continue:
"Look, you approach! But back away, why are you approaching me to talk to me?"
I look him in the eye with a mischievous smile and finally try to leave.
But he decides to catch me by the wrist saying:
"I love you, I apologize for everything." He repeats the last sentence twice, then kisses my cheek.
Jackson Avery who was there since the start of this show decides to speak:
"Ah so it's good ? You've already finished sulking, are you already talking to your princess again? You didn't last long buddy. You can't even resist her for three minutes ..."
Cormac wanting to try to prove the contrary to Avery decides to throw me water in turn. However, he is much less delicate to me and empties half the bottle over my head.
I laugh in frustration and grab the bottle, raising my voice, half laughing:
"Stop it!"
And of course I have the good idea to take revenge and throw water at him in turn. Everyone for the third time (at least) of the day laughs at us. Mac laughs too and rocks the bottle with my hands so that the water ends up on my blouse which ends up as wet as my hair.
"You're pissing me off Cormac! Stop we told you!" I said rather seriously until a small laugh grabbed me making Hayes laugh too. Everyone ends up laughing at the situation and we look each other in the eye finding us both completely childish. But I must admit that I have never laughed so much for a long time.
After being lightly scolded by Bailey we will change in the Attending Lounge with no intention of doing it separately.
And that's when I see how muscular Cormac is. He has broad shoulders and could lift anything with such ease. In addition, he has muscular arms. When he makes even a little effort, his veins stick out leaving me speechless. And the best for the end, his very well drawn abs making me want to run my fingers over it.
I bite my lip and decide to continue changing myself, not making me notice this beautiful Apollo in front of my eyes.

I imagine all the things he could do to me and I get more and more wet by seconds.

STOP Meredith, pull yourself together! We end up leaving the room and I return to the laboratory to continue (or rather start) my work.

Cormac POV:

I have never felt so good in a long time. And I know Meredith is the reason. This woman is absolutely extraordinary and I can't explain why I am so addicted to her. All the moments spent by her side make me feel more myself, happier than ever ...
My thoughts are directed to this woman as I walk when I bump into someone. I lay my eyes on this person and find Doctor Webber with folded arms and firm gaze.
He doesn't give me time to apologize that he's already talking:
"I may be old but not blind."
I absolutely don't understand what he means by that.

Did I do something wrong?

I frown and answer:
"What does that mean exactly?"
I want to get an answer.
"That means be careful" he warns me as he walks away leaving me alone.
And that's when I understand.
It's about something happening between me and Grey and warning me that if, unfortunately, I hurt her he'll put me back in place right away. I don't know what to think about it.


Hi, I have to tell you that this chapter took me a long time to finish.
Indeed, I had to start again several times since I didn't like certain parts.
So here’s the end result !
I don’t really know what to think about it, but I can assure you that it is already better than the initial part.
I hope you liked it.
Do not hesitate to vote, comment and say what you think of it.
Love you all <3

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