Chapter Ten: Balances

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"Hmmm..." Sci said as he checked Solar over, he was at the last part where he was checking the child's golden eye lights. Solar blinked sleepily, wanting nothing more then to curl up and sleep.

"Well...?" Geno asked.

"He seems fine now, whatever he reacted to seems to be over," Sci said pulling away, gently Geno picked up Solar who was nodding off where he sat.

"My head feels fuzzy, kind of weird," Solar said slurring a bit.

"Will he be okay to go home?" Geno asked worriedly.

"For now, he'll probably mostly sleep. I'm going to give a token to you just in case, it will open a one time portal right to this hospital room if anything else happens. Its only been five days, and he's still pretty out of it," Sci said, passing him a rectangular device.

"Thank you," Geno said.

It was long time to get home.


Reaper sighed a bit as Geno came back downstairs, the house silent as Goth was playing outside and Solar had been placed upstairs into bed.

"He went right back to sleep, now what happened?" Geno asked, as he hadn't seen his mate since that day either.

"The moment Solar screamed, was when Mustardtale and its 75 copies all ceased to exist due to there war," Reaper said exhausted, shadows under his eyes. He'd clearly been busy since he left, Geno gently hugged the deathly skeleton.

"I've never heard of an AU wiping themselves out like that Reaps, but why did Solar react so much?" Geno said, tugging on his scarf in unhappiness.

"He was reacting all day, then reacted the worst just as it happened," Reaper replied.

"It doesn't make sense..." Geno said frowning.

"It does, if he is what i think he is.." Reaper said thoughtfully.

"Reaper?" Geno asked.

"You know there are certain balances in the multiverse, like Life and myself and Creation and Destruction," Reaper said, Geno nodded along with his mates word.

"Yes, you told me before we married," geno replied.

"There are more out there," Reaper said.


"Yes, some of them either don't have aspects or living beings such as I or seem to be missing" Reaper told him.

"How can they go missing?" Geno said shocked.

"We may be gods love, but we are not Gods. We can still die, but usually when that happens we either reincarnate or a new aspect comes into existence or born," Reaper replied gently.

"Your not allowed to die," Geno said, singular eye light narrowed.

"You'll never get rid of me Gen," Reaper replied, gently kissing hsi mates skull.

"Good, now continue," Geno said.

"There is one balance that's been very weird, and one of its aspects has been missing for eons," Reaper replied softly.

"That's not good, what Balance?"

"Positivity and Negativity, and Negativity has been doing both there jobs. You even heard of him, Nightmare," Reaper said.

"Positivity!" Geno breathed, thinking of the golden eyed gentle child sleeping upstairs.

"There... is a good chance," Reaper said.

"And if he is?" Geno asked.

"Then nothing changes, he's still our kid."


Solar dreamed.

A world of lush forests, and meandering rivers.

"Tag! Your it!" a voice called.

"Better run!" Solar laughed, and chased the other.

It didn't matter that the other figure was blurred, just that they were there.

"Too slow brother."

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