Chapter Twenty: Not quite a Balance

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"Soo... why did you take us all, you could have just taken Dream.. sorry.. Solar," Nightmare asked hours later, after the afterdeath family fed dinner to them and almost everyone was in bed. Including his gang, just.. how many bedrooms did this place have anyway?

"Pretty sure your gang would have followed either way, and your Solar's twin and it would have upset him if we left you behind," Geno responded, at the moment he was on the living room sofa with Reaper leaning against him.

They definitely would have, causing chaos and havoc and death along the way.

"Now, the kids are in bed along with your gang. Time to explain just why you kidnapped our kid," Reaper finally said, his mouth all teeth and blue eyelights gleaming with deathly power.

Nightmare gulped.


Solar woke with a yawn, grumbling he climbed out of bed.

After all it was still in the middle of the night.

He slipped from the room, quietly down the hallway and opened the door to the first guest bedroom.

"Dream, you should be asleep," Nightmare said, looking up from the book he was reading.

"I was, but you aren't sleep," he responded.

"I usually sleep in the day," Nightmare told him.

"Mmmkay," Dream sleepily said climbing into the bed, to cuddle up to the reading Nightmare. Moments later he was dead to the world, deep asleep.

Nightmare started the tinier figure and gently covered him with the sheet, he read for a few minutes then sighed. Moments later his book was on the side table, and he shifted under the covers beside Dream.


A tentacle had turned off the bedside lamp.

"Goodnight Dream" Nightmare said, and joined his twin in sleep, his tentacles pulling the other closer to him to cuddle.


Geno didn't even raise a bone brow, no matter how hilarious it looked.

Nightmare was not a morning person, and the last day or so he'd turned his sleeping schedule upside down and the change had finally gotten to him.

The cursed beings was hugging Solar to his chest like a teddy bear, tentacles hugging him like a life line and actually hissed at others when they tried to wake him up more or separate him from Solar.

Solar... didn't care, calmly cuddling his twin as if nothing strange was going on.

At that moment Cross walked into the dining room, spotted his boss being the creature of the night and rolled his sockets.

"Let me," Cross told Geno and Reaper, and slipped into the kitchen. Five minutes later he was back, a cup of steaming coffee in his hands.

"Here boss," Cross said passing the cup, Nightmare blinked then grabbed the cup with his hands and took a deep drink.

"Ahh... as dark as my soul," Nightmare said, starting to look more awake.

"Wasn't that mostly milk with a dash of coffee?" Geno asked his mate.

"Yup," Reaper replied amused.

Cross just smirked, and of course took pictures.


Nightmare was glad no one could see his face at this angle, as they would see an epic pout on said face a she watched his twin play with his two foster siblings.

He didn't want to admit he was jealous, especially that little Goth and Palette could play games that he once played with Dream.

"Whoo ho!" Killer and Dust shouted joining in, followed by Cross. Horror though was eating, no interest in playing.

Right he forgot, most of his boys were overgrown children.

He definitely wasn't jealous.


It was a sound that many would never thought ever existed.

The Destroyer singing.

Strangely his voice did not glitch, but whatever he sang could not be heard.

"Do you think its enough?" he asked, pausing in his singing.

Hopefully. Inky has a soul and is no longer creating insanely and the feeling twins are almost balanced

"Hopefully... I'm so tired fate"

Hold on a bit longer. Your almost home free

"Home... I want to go home"



When little Solar, adopted child of the Afterdeath family didn't return Sci was filled with relief.

That scream haunted his dreams.

A returning nightmare, that there was no escape from.

Which was why he was extremely worried when Reaper, his mate and there foster children arrived to see him.

Along with Nightmare and his crew?

"Whats going on?" he asked worriedly.

"We need you help," Geno said.

"With what?" he asked curious.

"Of making Solar Stable," Nightmare responded.

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