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My brain would rather think up what if humor scenes then the next chappy. here are five mini scenes that in no way would actually happen in the sunverse. mind you... if you want to add a take send a private message and I'll post it probably with or after I get to an epilogue for this

Take 1

"Of making Solar Stable," Nightmare responded.

"Don't worry, I've been looking into this!" Sci said smiling.

"That's great," Geno said said in relief.

"ITS TIME FOR SCIENCE!" Sci yelled, lightning flashing outside the window.

Take 2

"Of making Solar Stable," Nightmare responded.

"Hmm... I'll need more information," Sci said frowning.

"Don't worry, I took care of it," Killer said waving his cellphone.

"Did someone say chaos!" Bill Sans smirked appearing.

Take 3

"Of making Solar Stable," Nightmare responded.

Suddenly Solar exploded into light, everyone shielded there eyes.

"NOOOOO!" Nightmare screamed.

"Anyone have a hayburger?" Solar the my little pony asked.

Take 4

"Of making Solar Stable," Nightmare responded.

"Wait... were missing someone," Reaper said, and started counting there group.

"Dreams missing!" Nightmare said shocked.

"Hey a note," Cross said, picking up said note from where Dream had been and began to read it.

"Dear people taking too slow,

kidnapped Solar and went on vacation.

Your deities keep loosing stuff at my place, so I'm choosing what they loose next.

Love the hedgehog."

"Hedgehog?" everyone questioned.

"PS.. the wolf and Tem say hello," Cross said seeing a final note.

Take 5

"Of making Solar Stable," Nightmare responded.

"Wait... were missing someone," Reaper said, and started counting there group.

"Dreams missing!" Nightmare said shocked.


Everyone, say hello to the new feelings!

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