Epilogue: Setting Sun

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Thank you all, for reading to the final of my sunverse. I'm rather sad to leave it, but the story has ended.  Of course, others can continue the storyline on there own, I do give the permission for that just remember sunverse cannon ends after the epilogue. Enjoy everyone.


"If I go up there, I better not find a mess!" Geno called up, there was the sound of muffled conversation.

"No.. no mess mom!" Goth called down.

Reaper snorted from where he was relaxing, the ever dying skeleton gave his husband a look.

"I said nothing," the death god responded.

"Good," Geno replied.

"Is he still out there?" Reaper asked, Geno peaked out a window.

"Yes," he responded.

"I'll be right back," Reaper said getting up he kissed his waifu and slipped outside.

On the shore of the small lake of the property Solar lay, idly skipping stones on its surface.

"Whats up bud, you've been out here all day?" Reaper said, sitting down on the ground next to him.

"Thinking..." Solar responded.

"I see, which explains why your not playing with Palette or Goth. What thought has you here though?" he asked, Solar sighed and stopped skipping rocks and hugged his dad.

"A lot of things changed, I'm starting to remember things from before. But... there are a lot of things missing, and I think I won't remember everything," Solar said, leaning his skull against the black clad chest.

"Everything changes, don't worry it will get better," Reaper promised.

"I miss him," Solar said.

"Stop acting like I died!" a voice cried.

"Nighty!" Solar cried jumping up, and hugged his twin.

A much smaller twin.

Removing half the energy had more side effects then they'd thought, such as Nightmare regaining his true form which like his sibling was a small child. The doom and gloom boys just shrugged and called it a day, Nightmare was still there grumpy boss.

Just in a smaller 'don't call me cute' package.

"Your hugging too tight," Nightmare grumbled, but didn't fight his twins grip much to escape.

While no longer covered in goop, Nightmare found himself still able to summon forth tentacles but seemingly made of shadows.

Solar.. or Dream, depending on the day and person, after eating the apple had his own side effects other then finally stabilizing and apple to summon his soul.

He could summon cute floofy golden wings, so far he could only glide and not very far.

The crashes had been hilarious though.

Reaper leaned back and grinned, as the twins started climbing trees chattering back and forth reminding him of squirrels.

It wasn't what he expected in lief but he would take it with both hands and keep it.

Now... how long till Nightmare broke down and moved in.

Still, it was a beautiful day.


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